This is the p1 project by Matthew Swaney and Romane Robb.
The purpose of this web application is to create and deliver a uniformed restaurant experience through an attractive user interface for our customers and an intuitive back-end for our admins. This repository is to for all of our back-end API files.
- Add items to the menu
- Update items to the menu
- Delete items to the menu
- View all items on the menu without needing to Register or Login
- Register/Update/Delete an account
- Add/Update/Delete a credit card to be saved to my account
- Make an order for a specific menu item
- Add a comment to the order to request a change, if it is substitutable
- Favorite an order
- View past orders by date
- Pay off your balance with your credit card
- Java 8
- JUnit
- Mockito
- Apache Maven
- Hibernate
- Jackson library (for JSON marshalling/unmarshalling)
- Java EE Servlet API (v4.0+)
- Azure SQL
- Git SCM (on GitHub)
- Romane Robb
- Matthew Swaney