A self modified raw image decoder using rawpy to unpack the raw file.
For now, the script support FujiFilm GFX100S
Simply import the dcraw
library in your Python script.
rawData = dcraw.imread(infile, path = None, suffix = ".RAF", verbose = False)
will return a rawpy.RawPy
object. Almost the same as rawpy.imread()
The main ISP implementation is contained in
output = dcraw.postprocessing(rawData, use_rawpy_postprocessing = False, suffix = ".RAF", path = None, bad_pixel_fix = True, demosacing_method = 0, output_srgb = False, auto_bright = False, bright_perc = None, crop_to_official = False, cam_model = None, verbose = False)
For a simple usage for FujiFIlm GFX100S:
output = dcraw.postprocessing(rawData, cam_model = "GFX100S")
infile (str) - The input image filename.
is defined, theinfile
do not have to containe the whole file path. The script will automatically search all the files underpath
matches thepath
including the subfolders. If there are multiple files match the keyword, the script will launch a choosen selection prompt. -
is not defined (default None), theinfile
should be the absolute path or relative path to the script.
path (str) - The root path of all the image files. This parameter has 2 functions:
It can be used in the searching for the absolute file path, including the input image and dark frame.
The images used for bad pixel removal will be randomly selected from this folder.
suffix (str) - The suffix for the image file. ".RAF" for Fujifilm cameras.
use_rawpy_postprocessing (bool) - Whether use rawpy built-in postprocessing.
Linear gamma output
Do not auto bright image
Output 16-bit image
Use camera white balance setting
bad_pixel_fix (bool) - Whether apply the bad pixel fix module. Requiring determining the
parameter. -
demosacing_method (int) - Default: 0 - bilinear
0 - colour_demosaicing.demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear
1 - colour_demosaicing.demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004
2 - colour_demosaicing.demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007
4 - AMaZE demosaic (still under development)
Malvar2004 will generate false color when image has bright dots.
Menon2007 needs more than 20 GB memory.
output_srgb (bool) - Whether output srgb color space. Default: False
auto_bright (bool) - Whether bright the image automatically. Default: False
bright_perc (float) - If use auto bright, a brightest part of pixel will be set to pure white. The ratio is controled by
(Default: None, Recommend: 0.01) -
crop_to_official (bool) - Whether crop the output into Camera official size (Default: False)
cam_model (str) - Whether use the pre-defined raw image parameters. (Default: None)
Current support cameras:
- FujiFilm GFX100S ("GFX100S")
verbose (bool) - Whether showing the progress log.