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Contribution Guidelines

utkarsh2012 edited this page May 31, 2011 · 3 revisions

If you want to change something or add a new functionality, please do following these guidelines:

  1. Create a github account
  2. Go to the master python-ebay repository and click the fork button to create a copy attached to your account.
  3. Checkout the code:

git clone git:// 4. Do some programming 5. Commit your changes: git commit -a 6. Push your changes back to github: git push git:// 7. Do a pull request and tell us what you have done so it can be integrated. The best way to describe about your code is to write a simple test/usage of the operation you have written in test folder of the project.

If you have found some bugs, please report them in issues:


  1. How to send a pull request:
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