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added native sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 support without conversion and …
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spuetz committed Jul 19, 2015
1 parent 6eda263 commit 3c558ab
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ project(laser_assembler)

tf sensor_msgs message_filters roscpp laser_geometry filters)
tf sensor_msgs message_filters roscpp laser_geometry filters pcl_ros)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
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190 changes: 30 additions & 160 deletions include/laser_assembler/base_assembler.h
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Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,12 @@

//! \author Vijay Pradeep


#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "tf/transform_listener.h"
#include "tf/message_filter.h"
#include "sensor_msgs/PointCloud.h"
#include "sensor_msgs/point_cloud_conversion.h"
#include "message_filters/subscriber.h"

Expand All @@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ namespace laser_assembler
* \brief Maintains a history of point clouds and generates an aggregate point cloud upon request
template<class T>
template<class T, class V>
class BaseAssembler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ class BaseAssembler
* \param scan_in The scan that we want to convert
* \param cloud_out The result of transforming scan_in into a cloud in frame fixed_frame_id
virtual void ConvertToCloud(const std::string& fixed_frame_id, const T& scan_in, sensor_msgs::PointCloud& cloud_out) = 0 ;
virtual void Convert(const std::string& fixed_frame_id, const T& scan_in, V& cloud_out) = 0 ;

tf::TransformListener* tf_ ;
Expand All @@ -97,45 +99,32 @@ class BaseAssembler
ros::NodeHandle private_ns_;
ros::NodeHandle n_;

//! \brief Stores history of scans
std::deque<V> scan_hist_ ;
boost::mutex scan_hist_mutex_ ;

//! \brief The frame to transform data into upon receipt
std::string fixed_frame_ ;

//! \brief Specify how much to downsample the data. A value of 1 preserves all the data. 3 would keep 1/3 of the data.
unsigned int downsample_factor_ ;

// ROS Input/Ouptut Handling
ros::ServiceServer build_cloud_server_;
ros::ServiceServer assemble_scans_server_;
ros::ServiceServer build_cloud_server2_;
ros::ServiceServer assemble_scans_server2_;
message_filters::Subscriber<T> scan_sub_;
message_filters::Connection tf_filter_connection_;

//! \brief Callback function for every time we receive a new scan
//void scansCallback(const tf::MessageNotifier<T>::MessagePtr& scan_ptr, const T& testA)
virtual void msgCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const T>& scan_ptr) ;

//! \brief Service Callback function called whenever we need to build a cloud
bool buildCloud(AssembleScans::Request& req, AssembleScans::Response& resp) ;
bool assembleScans(AssembleScans::Request& req, AssembleScans::Response& resp) ;
bool buildCloud2(AssembleScans2::Request& req, AssembleScans2::Response& resp) ;
bool assembleScans2(AssembleScans2::Request& req, AssembleScans2::Response& resp) ;

//! \brief Stores history of scans
std::deque<sensor_msgs::PointCloud> scan_hist_ ;
boost::mutex scan_hist_mutex_ ;

//! \brief The number points currently in the scan history
unsigned int total_pts_ ;

//! \brief The max number of scans to store in the scan history
unsigned int max_scans_ ;

//! \brief The frame to transform data into upon receipt
std::string fixed_frame_ ;

//! \brief Specify how much to downsample the data. A value of 1 preserves all the data. 3 would keep 1/3 of the data.
unsigned int downsample_factor_ ;

} ;

template <class T>
BaseAssembler<T>::BaseAssembler(const std::string& max_size_param_name) : private_ns_("~")
template <class T, class V>
BaseAssembler<T, V>::BaseAssembler(const std::string& max_size_param_name) : private_ns_("~")
// **** Initialize TransformListener ****
double tf_cache_time_secs ;
Expand All @@ -157,7 +146,6 @@ BaseAssembler<T>::BaseAssembler(const std::string& max_size_param_name) : privat
max_scans_ = tmp_max_scans ;
ROS_INFO("Max Scans in History: %u", max_scans_) ;
total_pts_ = 0 ; // We're always going to start with no points in our history

// ***** Set fixed_frame *****
private_ns_.param("fixed_frame", fixed_frame_, std::string("ERROR_NO_NAME"));
Expand All @@ -176,21 +164,14 @@ BaseAssembler<T>::BaseAssembler(const std::string& max_size_param_name) : privat
downsample_factor_ = tmp_downsample_factor ;
if (downsample_factor_ != 1)
ROS_WARN("Downsample set to [%u]. Note that this is an unreleased/unstable feature", downsample_factor_);

// ***** Start Services *****
build_cloud_server_ = n_.advertiseService("build_cloud", &BaseAssembler<T>::buildCloud, this);
assemble_scans_server_ = n_.advertiseService("assemble_scans", &BaseAssembler<T>::assembleScans, this);
build_cloud_server2_ = n_.advertiseService("build_cloud2", &BaseAssembler<T>::buildCloud2, this);
assemble_scans_server2_ = n_.advertiseService("assemble_scans2", &BaseAssembler<T>::assembleScans2, this);

// ***** Start Listening to Data *****
// (Well, don't start listening just yet. Keep this as null until we actually start listening, when start() is called)
tf_filter_ = NULL;


template <class T>
void BaseAssembler<T>::start(const std::string& in_topic_name)
template <class T, class V>
void BaseAssembler<T, V>::start(const std::string& in_topic_name)
ROS_DEBUG("Called start(string). Starting to listen on message_filter::Subscriber the input stream");
if (tf_filter_)
Expand All @@ -199,12 +180,12 @@ void BaseAssembler<T>::start(const std::string& in_topic_name)
scan_sub_.subscribe(n_, in_topic_name, 10);
tf_filter_ = new tf::MessageFilter<T>(scan_sub_, *tf_, fixed_frame_, 10);
tf_filter_->registerCallback( boost::bind(&BaseAssembler<T>::msgCallback, this, _1) );
tf_filter_->registerCallback( boost::bind(&BaseAssembler<T, V>::msgCallback, this, _1) );

template <class T>
void BaseAssembler<T>::start()
template <class T, class V>
void BaseAssembler<T, V>::start()
ROS_DEBUG("Called start(). Starting tf::MessageFilter, but not initializing Subscriber");
if (tf_filter_)
Expand All @@ -213,31 +194,31 @@ void BaseAssembler<T>::start()
scan_sub_.subscribe(n_, "bogus", 10);
tf_filter_ = new tf::MessageFilter<T>(scan_sub_, *tf_, fixed_frame_, 10);
tf_filter_->registerCallback( boost::bind(&BaseAssembler<T>::msgCallback, this, _1) );
tf_filter_->registerCallback( boost::bind(&BaseAssembler<T, V>::msgCallback, this, _1) );

template <class T>
template <class T, class V>
BaseAssembler<T, V>::~BaseAssembler()
if (tf_filter_)
delete tf_filter_;

delete tf_ ;

template <class T>
void BaseAssembler<T>::msgCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const T>& scan_ptr)
template <class T, class V>
void BaseAssembler<T, V>::msgCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const T>& scan_ptr)
ROS_DEBUG("starting msgCallback");
const T scan = *scan_ptr ;

sensor_msgs::PointCloud cur_cloud ;
V cur_cloud ;

// Convert the scan data into a universally known datatype: PointCloud
ConvertToCloud(fixed_frame_, scan, cur_cloud) ; // Convert scan into a point cloud
Convert(fixed_frame_, scan, cur_cloud) ; // Convert scan into V
catch(tf::TransformException& ex)
Expand All @@ -249,125 +230,14 @@ void BaseAssembler<T>::msgCallback(const boost::shared_ptr<const T>& scan_ptr)
scan_hist_mutex_.lock() ;
if (scan_hist_.size() == max_scans_) // Is our deque full?
total_pts_ -= scan_hist_.front().points.size () ; // We're removing an elem, so this reduces our total point count
scan_hist_.pop_front() ; // The front of the deque has the oldest elem, so we can get rid of it
scan_hist_.push_back(cur_cloud) ; // Add the newest scan to the back of the deque
total_pts_ += cur_cloud.points.size () ; // Add the new scan to the running total of points

//printf("Scans: %4u Points: %10u\n", scan_hist_.size(), total_pts_) ;

scan_hist_mutex_.unlock() ;
ROS_DEBUG("done with msgCallback");

template <class T>
bool BaseAssembler<T>::buildCloud(AssembleScans::Request& req, AssembleScans::Response& resp)
ROS_WARN("Service 'build_cloud' is deprecated. Call 'assemble_scans' instead");
return assembleScans(req, resp);

template <class T>
bool BaseAssembler<T>::assembleScans(AssembleScans::Request& req, AssembleScans::Response& resp)
//printf("Starting Service Request\n") ;

scan_hist_mutex_.lock() ;
// Determine where in our history we actually are
unsigned int i = 0 ;

// Find the beginning of the request. Probably should be a search
while ( i < scan_hist_.size() && // Don't go past end of deque
scan_hist_[i].header.stamp < req.begin ) // Keep stepping until we've exceeded the start time
i++ ;
unsigned int start_index = i ;

unsigned int req_pts = 0 ; // Keep a total of the points in the current request
// Find the end of the request
while ( i < scan_hist_.size() && // Don't go past end of deque
scan_hist_[i].header.stamp < req.end ) // Don't go past the end-time of the request
req_pts += (scan_hist_[i].points.size ()+downsample_factor_-1)/downsample_factor_ ;
i += downsample_factor_ ;
unsigned int past_end_index = i ;

if (start_index == past_end_index)
{ = fixed_frame_ ; = req.end ; (0) ; (0) ;
// Note: We are assuming that channel information is consistent across multiple scans. If not, then bad things (segfaulting) will happen
// Allocate space for the cloud (req_pts);
const unsigned int num_channels = scan_hist_[start_index].channels.size (); (num_channels) ;
for (i = 0; i<num_channels; i++)
{[i].name = scan_hist_[start_index].channels[i].name ;[i].values.resize (req_pts) ;
// = req.end ; = fixed_frame_ ;
unsigned int cloud_count = 0 ;
for (i=start_index; i<past_end_index; i+=downsample_factor_)

// Sanity check: Each channel should be the same length as the points vector
for (unsigned int chan_ind = 0; chan_ind < scan_hist_[i].channels.size(); chan_ind++)
if (scan_hist_[i].points.size () != scan_hist_[i].channels[chan_ind].values.size())
ROS_FATAL("Trying to add a malformed point cloud. Cloud has %u points, but channel %u has %u elems", (int)scan_hist_[i].points.size (), chan_ind, (int)scan_hist_[i].channels[chan_ind].values.size ());

for(unsigned int j=0; j<scan_hist_[i].points.size (); j+=downsample_factor_)
{[cloud_count].x = scan_hist_[i].points[j].x ;[cloud_count].y = scan_hist_[i].points[j].y ;[cloud_count].z = scan_hist_[i].points[j].z ;

for (unsigned int k=0; k<num_channels; k++)[k].values[cloud_count] = scan_hist_[i].channels[k].values[j] ;

cloud_count++ ;
} = scan_hist_[i].header.stamp;
scan_hist_mutex_.unlock() ;

ROS_DEBUG("Point Cloud Results: Aggregated from index %u->%u. BufferSize: %lu. Points in cloud: %u", start_index, past_end_index, scan_hist_.size(), (int) ()) ;
return true ;

template <class T>
bool BaseAssembler<T>::buildCloud2(AssembleScans2::Request& req, AssembleScans2::Response& resp)
ROS_WARN("Service 'build_cloud' is deprecated. Call 'assemble_scans' instead");
return assembleScans2(req, resp);

template <class T>
bool BaseAssembler<T>::assembleScans2(AssembleScans2::Request& req, AssembleScans2::Response& resp)
AssembleScans::Request tmp_req;
AssembleScans::Response tmp_res;
tmp_req.begin = req.begin;
tmp_req.end = req.end;
bool ret = assembleScans(tmp_req, tmp_res);

if ( ret )
return ret;
#endif /* base_assembler.h */

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