The Better Government Movement seeks to answer this question: how might we effectively serve the many talented Federal employees who have the motivation and potential to cause change?
Since the movement launched in March, we’ve convened more than 1,000 people across the government to envision a modern government. Through crowdsourcing, we’ve defined what we mean by better government, what is stopping us from innovating, and have created a series of six plays to guide innovation across the government. Soon, we'll launch or initial findings on and will expand to expand to a Toolkit later in 2017.
In this repository are the work in progress items for the Better Government movement. They are locked for editing, but you can edit any file in this repository for consideration. Here is how to edit the file in this repository.
If you have questions about this content or want to join the movement, please email Amy Wilson, Better Government Program Manager at [email protected] or at (202) 394-9874.
Want to participate in the conversation around building a better government? Join our #better-govt-public Slack Channel. Not a member? Visit and select the "Better Government Program" channel to be added to this public channel.