#Claudia.js Example projects
- Hello World – shows a trivial Node.js Lambda function and how to set up deployment using Claudia.js
- Web API – a simple REST api, shows how to configure and deploy an API Gateway interface along with the Lambda function
- Using NPM Modules – a slightly more complex function, shows how to deploy third party dependencies using Claudia.js
- Using Babel – shows how to deploy transpiled Babel code
- Environment Variables – setting and using Lambda environment variables
- Detecting Context – detect if a function was called for development or production, in order to load the right configuration
- Recursive invocation – an example of how Lambda can asynchronously call itself to work around timing limitations
- Web Serving HTML – shows how to change error and success content types and response codes, and how to perform browser redirects
- Generic handlers – shows how to capture dynamic paths and set up handlers for any content type easily
- Custom response codes – shows how to change status codes for response
- Custom Headers – shows how to return custom headers from API responses
- Custom CORS origins – shows how to control allowed CORS origins/headers
- Intercepting requests – an example showing how to prevent or modify requests
- Post-deploy variable configuration – shows how to set up post-deploy hooks to prompt users for stage variables
- Generic post-deploy steps – shows how to set up post-deploy hooks for automatic configuration
- Using Lambda Context – shows how to access the Lambda Context object from projects built using
- DynamoDB CRUD – a simple document store, shows how to use DynamoDB and connect it to a CRUD REST API. Also shows how to configure a single Lambda function to work with different resources for development, testing and production.
- GraphQL Endpoint – GraphQL CRUD operations, using ES2015 transpiled by Babel, using DynamoDB for persistence.
- GitHub Repository Labels – a simple image server, shows how to map URL path components to arguments, how to customise response types and how to connect to third party REST APIs
- Using AWS Mobile Analytics for server-side events – log events into AWS Mobile Analytics for easy internal telemetry
- Custom Authorizers – a simple example of how to set up custom authorizers in API Gateway
- Geo location – shows how to retrieve the country where your users originated the request
- Binary Content – shows how to configure API Gateway to send or receive binary data
- S3 File Processing – an example service that converts files uploaded to S3; shows how to wire up Lambda to respond to S3 events
- Pandoc S3 Converter – a more complex example that converts S3 files to .docx using Pandoc
- SVG to PDF S3 Converter – convert SVG files uploaded to S3 to PDF format using RSVG and Cairo
- Website Email Alert – periodically check a URL and send an e-mail if it is not available; shows how to send e-mails using SES and set up Lambda functions as scheduled recurring events
- Deploying a Proxy API – an example of how to create an API Gateway that will proxy all requests directly to a Lambda function
- Running Express Apps in AWS Lambda – an example of how to deploy an existing Express app with minimal changes to Lambda
- Simple Bot – an example demonstrating how to receive and respond with simple text messages
- Facebook Messenger Bot with Buttons – an example showing how to create more complex platform specific messages, for example Facebook buttons
- Space Explorer Bot – uses NASA's API to get the data and images about the space, shows how to use Facebook Template builders for response messages.
- Slack Delayed Reply – an example showing how to send delayed and multiple replies for Slack slash commands.
- Alexa Skill – an Amazon Echo (Alexa) skill sample that spells out English words
- Quote Bot, showing how to integrate with Twilio
- Slack Ping Command, showing how to create a simple Slack command, pinging a Web URL and reporting the result
- State-Action-Model example, showing how to use the SAM pattern to create a Lambda-powered blog
For more information on the Web API configuration syntax, check out the Claudia API Builder project. For more information on Claudia.js options, see the Command Line Usage.
AWS Lambda currently runs Node.js version 4.3.2 (optionally, you can downgrade to 0.10.36 by using --runtime
when creating the function). It's best to use that version for testing. To get started, make sure your credentials are configured. See the ClaudiaJS Getting Started Guide for more information.