This is a tool to convert any image file with the following specifications into a valid pattern bitmap file for the STRATA SEM/FIB.
- Background is white (No pattern here)
- Background may not be transparent
- Pattern is black
Any black value from RGB 0,0,0 to RGB 254,254,254 can be used, however it is recommended to use RGB 0,0,0 for every part for the pattern unless different dwell times are required. Dwell times scale with the RGB value used. RGB 0,0,0 means the systems maximum dwell time is used and RGB 254, 254, 254 means a dwell time of around 100ns.
The program can also be used to convert regular images for patterning, however the scientific application of that is questionable.
For images it is recommended to use a beam current of 6.5 nA or above and a maximum depth of 0.1 to 0.2 microns.