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Red Panda C++ 0.14

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@royqh1979 royqh1979 released this 28 Jan 07:25
· 2168 commits to master since this release

Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.0

  • enhancement: custom icon set ( in the configuration folder)
  • enhancement: show custom icon set folder in options -> enviroment -> folders
  • enhancement: new class ( to project) wizard
  • enhancement: greatly speed up code completion
  • fix: code folding calcuation not correct when some codes are folded and editing after them
  • enhancement: code completion ui redesigned
  • fix: mainwindow action's short cut doesn't work, if the action is not in menu or toolbar
  • fix: when run all cases for a problem, processing of output is slow

Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.4

  • fix: when copy comments, don't auto indent
  • enhancement: auto add a new line when press enter between '/' and '/'
  • fix: code completion popup won't show members of 'this'
  • fix: can't show private & protected members of 'this'
  • fix: function name like 'A::B' is not correctly parsed
  • fix: static members are not correct shown after Classname + '::'
  • enhancement: show parameter tips for class constructors
  • enhancement: when there are tips showing, don't show mouse tips
  • enhancement: setting non-ascii font for editors
  • enhancement: correct handle windows dpi change event
  • enhancement: code completion find words with char in the middle

Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.3

  • enhancement: restore editor position after rename symbol
  • enhancement: restore editor position after reformat code
  • fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, parser for the project doesn't use the project's compiler set
  • fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, auto openned project's file will use wrong compiler set to do syntax check.
  • change: symbols that exactly match are sorted to the front in the code suggestion popup list
  • fix: symbols defind locally should be sorted to the front in the code suggestion popup list
  • fix: when show function tips, can't correctly calcuate the current position in the function param list
  • fix: app will become very slow when processing very long lines.
  • enhancement: If console pauser doesn't exist, warn and stop running programs.
  • fix: app crash when ctrl+click on a #include statement that point to a directory instead of header file.
  • fix: ctrl+click on the enum value will jump to the wrong line in it's definition file
  • fix: line info in the mouse tip of statement not correct
  • fix: editor crash when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
  • fix: ')' not correctly skip in the editor when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
  • fix: Undo in the editor will lose line indents when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
  • enhancement: highlighter for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language)
  • add a new template for raylib shader apps
  • fix: project files' charset settings doesn't work correctly
  • enhancement: add exec charset option to compiler set settings
  • enhancement: delete to word begin /delete to word end
  • fix: when open a file, all blank lines's indents are removed.
  • fix: indent lines displayed at wrong position, when there are folded lines
  • fix: if editor's active line color is disabled, caret's position may not be correct redrawn
  • fix: insert code snippets will crash, if current compiler set's include dir list is not empty and lib dir list is empty
  • fix: search around option can't be disabled
  • enhancement: show a confirm dialog when search/replace around
  • enhancement: auto zoom ui when screen's zoom factor changed (windows)
  • enhancement: parser not called when open a file, if option "clean parser symbols when hidden" is turned on.

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