Wire LCD pins RS, E, D4 to D7 to any GPIO pins. Example:
Import LiquidCrystalPi and initiate class LCD:
import LiquidCrystalPi
LCD = LiquidCrystalPi.LCD(<rs>,<enable>,<d4>,<d5>,<d6>,<d7>)
LCD.begin(<columns>, <lines>)
Write string:
Also needs RPi.GPIO as import
See HelloWorldPi.py for complete code
command(value) #send a command
write(string or character) #write a string or character
clear() #clear LCD screen
home() #set cursor to row 1, col 1
nextline() #set cursor to row 2
moveright() #move cursor one position to the right
moveleft() #move cursor one position to the left