PowerPoint Slideshows, Documentation, JavaScript Code Samples, and Python Code Samples
- Slides and notes for all merit badge requirements except 5a-d
- Slides with basic programming concepts in C#, JavaScript, and Scratch
- Current badge requirements
- Intro to HTML
- Examples of how to code a number guessing game in Scratch and Python
- Python keywords needed to create the number guessing game
- A walk-through for creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the MadLibs game
A simple program, written in JavaScript, that gives examples of:
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
- library import
- variable declaration and assignment
- inputs and outputs
- DOM manipulation
- loops
- A JavaScript Flappy Bird game that can be easily modified to fulfill Requirement 5a
- Scouts should be able to change values and calculations to affect gravity, scoring, graphics, sounds, etc.
- Changes can be seen immediately in a browser
- Demonstrates how to use the HTML5 canvas to make a game with sound and animation
This is a basic program written in Python that gives examples of:
- library importation
- variable declaration and assignment
- inputs and outputs
- conditional statements
- loops