The repo has notebooks and scripts that demonstrate how to connect with the WRDS server. Here are instructions for using the notebooks and scripts on KLC.
# Connect to KLC
# Or Quest analytic node
# RStudio
# Jupyter Notebook
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd wrds_KLC
# Set up .pgpass file at your $HOME directory
nano ~/.pgpass
# Activate pre-built conda environment
module load mamba
source activate /kellogg/software/envs/wrds_env/
# Add the conda environment kernel locally (only need to run once)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name wrds_env --display-name "Python (wrds_env)"
# Modify "username" in .ipynb, .py or .R scripts to your username for WRDS
# Launch the jupyter notebook in FastX
# Select the "Python (wrds_env)" kernel before you run cells
jupyter notebook --browser=firefox
# To run the python script
python ./
# To run the R script
Rscript ./demo_R.R
# Leave the environment
conda deactivate