OpenCV bindings for QuickJS (
This put in use with "plot-cv" ( which converts contours from any video source to SVG ready to pass into LaserWeb4. With this and the QuickJS interactive REPL from Fabrice Bellard you have a modern ES2020 live-coding environment for an OpenCV processing pipeline. QuickJS is 6 files of highly portable C99 and has a lean startup time, compiling directly to byte-code without AST.
- Running cv.Canny, cv.findContours algorithm, then have a cv.Contour based on an ArrayBuffer of the underlying std::vector
- Have most cv.* free-functions with abstract cv::InputOutputArray translated to the underlying (Shared-)ArrayBuffer of a cv.Mat, cv.Contour or a TypedArray.
- Go low in memory. Everything is mutable, no copies, trying to have correct finalizers.
- Much is treated as a block, a pointer into a byte-array and a size, using JS_GetArrayBuffer
- Iterators can yield TypedArrays or DataViews, having an offset and a length
- cv.Mat is optimized for Float64Array(4) iteration
- cv.Contour is optimized to iterate yielding cv.Point
- arguments can be cv.Mat and cv.Contour interchangably by cv::InputOutputArray abstraction
- have some minimal ES6 classes wrapping the HighGUI functions
- Window, TextStyle, DrawText (using freetype renderer, not internal bitmap font)
- Pipeline (new Pipeline([ <arrow-functions...> ]) callable lambda processing queue
- ÏmageSequence, VideoSource that abstract cv::imread / cv::imwrite of the imgcodecs module
- additional algorithms, not in OpenCV but interoperable on cv.Mat
- has some lo-fying of PNG and GIF images and additional palette reduction
- Built already on x86_64 linux, aarch64 arm, x86_64 w64 mingw32, emscripten/clang wasm32 via -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE setup or natively
- OpenCV from 4.2.0 on, with NONFREE modules from quickjs_contrib for the LineSegmentDetector
- Builds against vanilla QuickJS from quickjs-2021-03-27.tar.xz with -DQUICKJS_PREFIX=
- or against installable QuickJS fork with module search path at
- adds a compile-time module search paths QUICKJS_C_MODULE_DIR and QUICKJS_JS_MODULE_DIR
- can be overriden with the environment variable QUICKJS_MODULES for searching the module.
import * as cv from ''
let viewport = new cv.Size(640, 480);
let mat = new cv.Mat(viewport, cv.CV_8UC3);
let cap = new cv.VideoCapture(0);;
cv.imshow("qjs-opencv", mat);
Classes under namespace cv.*
- CLAHE - Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
- Contour - Iterable container based on a std::vectorcv::Point3d
- Draw
- FastLineDetector
- Feature2D
- KeyPoint
- Line
- LineSegmentDetector -
- Mat - Object based on cv::Mat, calling mat(cv.Rect) makes a cv.Mat into an ROI
- MatIterator - yields TypedArray with offset
- Point - cv::Point_
- PointIterator - Iterator for ArrayBuffer/cv.Contour yielding a cv::Point_
- Rect - cv::Rect_
- RotatedRect - cv::RotatedRect3d
- Size - cv::Size_
- SliceIterator - Partitions iterable into tuples or slides across an ArrayBuffer yielding offseted TypedArray
- Subdiv2D - cv::Subdiv2D base class for subdivision algorithms (Voronoi, etc.)
- UMat - cv::UMat, can be GPU cached texture for accelerated algorithms
- TickMeter - Provides a high-resolution timer object based on getTickCount/getTickFreq
- VideoCapture - Real-time camera input or video file playback
- VideoWriter - FFMPEG video writer
draw functions
- drawCircle
- drawEllipse
- drawContour
- drawLine
- drawPolygon
- drawRect
- drawKeypoints
- putText
- getTextSize
- getFontScaleFromHeight
- loadFont
- clipLine
highgui functions
- imshow
- namedWindow
- moveWindow
- resizeWindow
- destroyWindow
- getWindowImageRect
- getWindowProperty
- setWindowProperty
- setWindowTitle
- createTrackbar
- createButton
- getTrackbarPos
- setTrackbarPos
- setTrackbarMin
- setTrackbarMax
- getMouseWheelDelta
- setMouseCallback
- waitKey
- waitKeyEx
- displayOverlay
imgproc functions
- blur
- boundingRect
- GaussianBlur
- HoughLines
- HoughLinesP
- HoughCircles
- Canny
- goodFeaturesToTrack
- cvtColor
- equalizeHist
- threshold
- bilateralFilter
- findContours
- drawContours
- pointPolygonTest
- cornerHarris
- calcHist
- dilate
- erode
- morphologyEx
- medianBlur
- skeletonization
- pixelNeighborhood
- pixelNeighborhoodCross
- pixelFindValue
- paletteGenerate
- paletteApply
- paletteMatch
- accumulate
- accumulateProduct
- accumulateSquare
- accumulateWeighted
- createHanningWindow
- phaseCorrelate
- adaptiveThreshold
- blendLinear
- distanceTransform
- floodFill
- grabCut
- integral
- watershed
- applyColorMap
- moments
- convertMaps
- getAffineTransform
- getPerspectiveTransform
- getRectSubPix
- getRotationMatrix2D
- getRotationMatrix2D_
- invertAffineTransform
- linearPolar
- logPolar
- remap
- resize
- warpAffine
- warpPerspective
- warpPolar
- bilateralFilter
- blur
- boxFilter
- buildPyramid
- dilate
- erode
- filter2D
- GaussianBlur
- getDerivKernels
- getGaborKernel
- getGaussianKernel
- getStructuringElement
- Laplacian
- medianBlur
- morphologyDefaultBorderValue
- morphologyEx
- pyrDown
- pyrMeanShiftFiltering
- pyrUp
- Scharr
- sepFilter2D
- Sobel
- spatialGradient
- sqrBoxFilter
- approxPolyDP
- arcLength
- boxPoints
- connectedComponents
- connectedComponentsWithStats
- contourArea
- convexHull
- convexityDefects
- createGeneralizedHoughBallard
- createGeneralizedHoughGuil
- fitEllipse
- fitEllipseAMSYY
- fitEllipseDirect
- fitLine
- HuMoments
- intersectConvexConvex
- isContourConvex
- matchShapes
- minAreaRect
- minEnclosingCircle
- minEnclosingTriangle
- rotatedRectangleIntersection