Let us look at how we can create a custom Named Entity Recognition model with spaCy.
Here i will be creating a clinical named entity recognition model which can recognize the disease names from clinical text
For this i have extracted annotated clinical text from the following github repo:https://github.com/dmis-lab/biobert
They provide annotated clinical text here: Named Entity Recognition: (17.3 MB), 8 datasets on biomedical named entity recognition(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OletxmPYNkz2ltOr9pyT0b0iBtUWxslh)
Once you download and unzip the files you get 8 datasets with each dataset having the following files: train.tsv, test.tsv , dev.tsv and devel.tsv In These tsv files each word is annotated using the BIO format.
A few lines from tran.tsv in BC5CDR-disease dataset looks like:
Selegiline O
induced O
postural B
hypotension I
in O
Parkinson B
' I
s I
disease I
: O
a O
longitudinal O
study O
on O
the O
effects O
of O
drug O
withdrawal O
. O
Here it is of the format: word \t label\n
for instance: postural B hypotension I
here B-> Begin entity, I-> inside entity and O-> outside entity
Let us build a custom named entity(disease) recognition model with spaCy
CustomNERwithSpacy python notebook has the code for training such a model
This notebook has been inpsired from : https://aihub.cloud.google.com/p/products%2F2290fc65-0041-4c87-a898-0289f59aa8ba
spaCy (https://spacy.io/)
Python 3.5 or above