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WtfJoke committed Apr 6, 2015
2 parents 94b166a + 127d9ad commit 8ff45ed
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Showing 11 changed files with 308 additions and 40 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,8 @@
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions History/History_SampleComponent_Streamname.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ It uses the CLI of RTC to gather the required informations (You can find the CLI

## Usage
<li>Create a config file called "config.ini" and fill out the needed informations, use the supplied "config.ini.sample" as reference</li>
- Create a config file called "config.ini" and fill out the needed informations, use the supplied "config.ini.sample" as reference
- Execute

## How does it work?
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions config.ini.sample
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,13 @@ OldestStream = Stream_Version1
# (baseline which were created earlier than the baselines of the oldest stream)
# Use following format: ComponentName = BaseLineName, AnotherComponentName=BaseLineName
InitialBaseLines =

# False - Rely on order of changeset provided by the rtc cli compare command (due wrong order, more likely to cause merge-conflicts
# True - (Component)History needs to be provided in a separate file by the user
# For more information read
UseProvidedHistory = False

# Set to true if you want to see which commands are sent to command line
LogShellCommands = False
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ def read():
baseline = componentbaseline[1].strip()
initialcomponentbaselines.append(ComponentBaseLineEntry(component, baseline, component, baseline))
gitreponame = generalsection['GIT-Reponame']
useprovidedhistory = migrationsection['UseProvidedHistory']
shell.logcommands = config['Miscellaneous']['LogShellCommands'] == "True"
return ConfigObject(user, password, repositoryurl, workspace, useexistingworkspace, workdirectory,
initialcomponentbaselines, streamnames,
gitreponame, oldeststream)
gitreponame, oldeststream, useprovidedhistory)

def getstreamnames(streamsfromconfig):
Expand All @@ -48,18 +50,20 @@ def getstreamnames(streamsfromconfig):
class ConfigObject:
def __init__(self, user, password, repo, workspace, useexistingworkspace, workdirectory, initialcomponentbaselines,
gitreponame, oldeststream):
gitreponame, oldeststream, useprovidedhistory):
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.repo = repo
self.workspace = workspace
self.useexistingworkspace = useexistingworkspace is "True"
self.useexistingworkspace = useexistingworkspace == "True"
self.useprovidedhistory = useprovidedhistory == "True"
self.workDirectory = workdirectory
self.initialcomponentbaselines = initialcomponentbaselines
self.streamnames = streamnames
self.earlieststreamname = oldeststream
self.gitRepoName = gitreponame
self.clonedGitRepoName = gitreponame[:-4] # cut .git
self.rootFolder = os.getcwd()
self.logFolder = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "Logs"
self.hasCreatedLogFolder = os.path.exists(self.logFolder)
self.streamuuids = []
Expand All @@ -70,6 +74,10 @@ def getlogpath(self, filename):
self.hasCreatedLogFolder = True
return self.logFolder + os.sep + filename

def gethistorypath(self, filename):
historypath = self.rootFolder + os.sep + "History"
return historypath + os.sep + filename

def collectstreamuuids(self):
shouter.shout("Get UUID's of configured streamnames")
for streamname in self.streamnames:
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,18 +42,21 @@ class Commiter:

def addandcommit(changeentry):
comment = Commiter.replacegitcreatingfilesymbol(changeentry.comment)
shell.execute("git add -A")
shell.execute("git commit -m %s --date %s --author=%s"
% (shell.quote(comment), shell.quote(, changeentry.getgitauthor()))
Commiter.commitcounter += 1
if Commiter.commitcounter is 30:
shouter.shout("30 Commits happend, push current branch to avoid out of memory")
Commiter.commitcounter = 0
shouter.shout("Commited change in local git repository")

def getcommitcommand(changeentry):
comment = Commiter.replacegitcreatingfilesymbol(changeentry.comment)
return "git commit -m %s --date %s --author=%s" \
% (shell.quote(comment), shell.quote(, changeentry.getgitauthor())

def replacegitcreatingfilesymbol(comment):
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,16 +41,20 @@ def migrate():
componentbaselineentries = rtc.getcomponentbaselineentriesfromstream(streamuuid)
streamname = config.streamnames[streamuuids.index(streamuuid)]


history = rtc.readhistory(componentbaselineentries, streamname)
changeentries = rtc.getchangeentriesofstreamcomponents(componentbaselineentries)

rtc.acceptchangesintoworkspace(rtc.getchangeentriestoaccept(changeentries, history))
shouter.shout("All changes of components of stream '%s' accepted" % streamname)

rtcworkspace.setcomponentstobaseline(componentbaselineentries, streamuuid)

changeentries = rtc.getchangeentriesofstream(streamuuid)
rtc.acceptchangesintoworkspace(rtc.getchangeentriestoaccept(changeentries, history))
shouter.shout("All changes of stream '%s' accepted - Migration of stream completed" % streamname)

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174 changes: 150 additions & 24 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import sys
import os

import sorter
import shell
from gitFunctions import Commiter
import shouter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,8 +41,9 @@ def createandload(self, stream, componentbaselineentries=[], create=True):

def load(self):
shouter.shout("Start (re)loading current workspace")
shell.execute("lscm load -r %s %s --force" % (self.repo, self.workspace))
command = "lscm load -r %s %s --force" % (self.repo, self.workspace)
shouter.shout("Start (re)loading current workspace: " + command)
shouter.shout("Load of workspace finished")

def setcomponentstobaseline(self, componentbaselineentries, streamuuid):
Expand All @@ -54,14 +57,14 @@ def setcomponentstobaseline(self, componentbaselineentries, streamuuid):
def setnewflowtargets(self, streamuuid):
shouter.shout("Set new Flowtargets")
if not self.hasflowtarget(streamuuid):
shell.execute("lscm add flowtarget -r %s %s %s"
% (self.repo, self.workspace, streamuuid))
shell.execute("lscm set flowtarget -r %s %s --default --current %s"
% (self.repo, self.workspace, streamuuid))
shell.execute("lscm add flowtarget -r %s %s %s" % (self.repo, self.workspace, streamuuid))

command = "lscm set flowtarget -r %s %s --default --current %s" % (self.repo, self.workspace, streamuuid)

def hasflowtarget(self, streamuuid):
flowtargetlines = shell.getoutput("lscm --show-uuid y --show-alias n list flowtargets -r %s %s"
% (self.repo, self.workspace))
command = "lscm --show-uuid y --show-alias n list flowtargets -r %s %s" % (self.repo, self.workspace)
flowtargetlines = shell.getoutput(command)
for flowtargetline in flowtargetlines:
splittedinformationline = flowtargetline.split("\"")
uuidpart = splittedinformationline[0].split(" ")
Expand All @@ -74,14 +77,39 @@ def recreateoldestworkspace(self):
self.createandload(self.config.earlieststreamname, self.config.initialcomponentbaselines, False)

class Changes:
latest_accept_command = ""

def discard(*changeentries):
idstodiscard = Changes._collectids(changeentries)
shell.execute("lscm discard --overwrite-uncommitted " + idstodiscard)

def accept(*changeentries, logpath):
for changeEntry in changeentries:
shouter.shout("Accepting: " + changeEntry.tostring())
revisions = Changes._collectids(changeentries)
latest_accept_command = "lscm accept -v --overwrite-uncommitted --changes " + revisions
return shell.execute(latest_accept_command, logpath, "a")

def _collectids(changeentries):
ids = ""
for changeentry in changeentries:
ids += " " + changeentry.revision
return ids

class ImportHandler:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.acceptlogpath = config.getlogpath("accept.txt")

def getcomponentbaselineentriesfromstream(self, stream):
filename = self.config.getlogpath("StreamComponents_" + stream + ".txt")
"lscm --show-alias n --show-uuid y list components -v -r " + self.config.repo + " " + stream, filename)
command = "lscm --show-alias n --show-uuid y list components -v -r " + self.config.repo + " " + stream
shell.execute(command, filename)
componentbaselinesentries = []
skippedfirstrow = False
islinewithcomponent = 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,33 +148,105 @@ def acceptchangesintoworkspace(self, changeentries):
amountofchanges = len(changeentries)
shouter.shoutwithdate("Start accepting %s changesets" % amountofchanges)
amountofacceptedchanges = 0
skipnextchangeset = False
reloaded = False
for changeEntry in changeentries:
amountofacceptedchanges += 1
revision = changeEntry.revision
acceptingmsg = "Accepting: " + changeEntry.comment + " (Date: " + + " Author: " \
+ + " Revision: " + revision + ")"
acceptcommand = "lscm accept --changes " + revision + " --overwrite-uncommitted"
acceptedsuccesfully = shell.execute(acceptcommand, self.config.getlogpath("accept.txt"), "a") is 0
if skipnextchangeset:
skipnextchangeset = False
acceptedsuccesfully = Changes.accept(changeEntry, logpath=self.acceptlogpath) is 0
if not acceptedsuccesfully:
shouter.shout("Last executed command: " + acceptcommand)
sys.exit("Change wasnt succesfully accepted into workspace, please check the output and "
"rerun programm with resume")
shouter.shout("Change wasnt succesfully accepted into workspace")
skipnextchangeset = self.retryacceptincludingnextchangeset(changeEntry, changeentries)
elif not reloaded:
if self.is_reloading_necessary():
reloaded = True
shouter.shout("Accepted change %s/%s into working directory" % (amountofacceptedchanges, amountofchanges))

def is_reloading_necessary():
return shell.execute("git diff --exit-code") is 0

def retryacceptincludingnextchangeset(self, change, changes):
successfull = False
nextchangeentry = self.getnextchangeset(change, changes)
if nextchangeentry and ( == or "merge" in nextchangeentry.comment.lower()):
shouter.shout("Next changeset: " + nextchangeentry.tostring())
if input("Press Enter to try to accept it with next changeset together, press any other key to skip this"
" changeset and continue"):
return False
successfull = Changes.accept(change, nextchangeentry, logpath=self.acceptlogpath) is 0
if not successfull:
Changes.discard(change, nextchangeentry)

if not successfull:
shouter.shout("Last executed command: \n" + Changes.latest_accept_command)
shouter.shout("Apropriate git commit command \n" + Commiter.getcommitcommand(change))
if not input("Press Enter to continue or any other key to exit the program and rerun it with resume"):
sys.exit("Please check the output and rerun programm with resume")
return successfull

def getnextchangeset(currentchangeentry, changeentries):
nextchangeentry = None
nextindex = changeentries.index(currentchangeentry) + 1
has_next_changeset = nextindex is not len(changeentries)
if has_next_changeset:
nextchangeentry = changeentries[nextindex]
return nextchangeentry

def getchangeentriesofstreamcomponents(self, componentbaselineentries):
missingchangeentries = {}
shouter.shout("Start collecting changeentries")
changeentries = []
changeentriesbycomponentbaselineentry = {}
for componentBaseLineEntry in componentbaselineentries:
changeentries.sort(key=lambda change:
return changeentries
changeentries = self.getchangeentriesofbaseline(componentBaseLineEntry.baseline)
for changeentry in changeentries:
missingchangeentries[changeentry.revision] = changeentry
return missingchangeentries

def readhistory(self, componentbaselineentries, streamname):
if not self.config.useprovidedhistory:
warning = "Warning - UseProvidedHistory is set to false, merge-conflicts are more likely to happen. \n " \
"For more information see"
return None
historyuuids = {}
shouter.shout("Start reading history files")
for componentBaseLineEntry in componentbaselineentries:
history = self.gethistory(componentBaseLineEntry.componentname, streamname)
historyuuids[componentBaseLineEntry.component] = history
return historyuuids

def getchangeentriestoaccept(missingchangeentries, history):
changeentriestoaccept = []
if history:
historywithchangeentryobject = {}
for key in history.keys():
currentuuids = history.get(key)
changeentries = []
for uuid in currentuuids:
changeentry = missingchangeentries.get(uuid)
if changeentry:
historywithchangeentryobject[key] = changeentries
changeentriestoaccept = sorter.tosortedlist(historywithchangeentryobject)
# simple sort by date - same as returned by compare command
changeentriestoaccept.sort(key=lambda change:
return changeentriestoaccept

def getchangeentriesfromfile(outputfilename):
informationseparator = "@@"
changeentries = []

with open(outputfilename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
cleanedline = line.strip()
Expand All @@ -159,14 +259,33 @@ def getchangeentriesfromfile(outputfilename):
comment = splittedlines[3].strip()
date = splittedlines[4].strip()
changeentries.append(ChangeEntry(revision, author, email, date, comment))

return changeentries

def getsimplehistoryfromfile(outputfilename):
revisions = []
if not os.path.isfile(outputfilename):
shouter.shout("History file not found: " + outputfilename)
shouter.shout("Skipping this part of history")
return revisions

with open(outputfilename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
revisions.reverse() # to begin by the oldest
return revisions

def getchangeentriesofbaseline(self, baselinetocompare):
return self.getchangeentriesbytypeandvalue("baseline", baselinetocompare)

def getchangeentriesofstream(self, streamtocompare):
shouter.shout("Start collecting changes since baseline creation")
return self.getchangeentriesbytypeandvalue("stream", streamtocompare)
missingchangeentries = {}
changeentries = self.getchangeentriesbytypeandvalue("stream", streamtocompare)
for changeentry in changeentries:
missingchangeentries[changeentry.revision] = changeentry
return missingchangeentries

def getchangeentriesbytypeandvalue(self, comparetype, value):
dateformat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Expand All @@ -176,6 +295,10 @@ def getchangeentriesbytypeandvalue(self, comparetype, value):
shell.execute(comparecommand, outputfilename)
return ImportHandler.getchangeentriesfromfile(outputfilename)

def gethistory(self, componentname, streamname):
outputfilename = self.config.gethistorypath("History_%s_%s.txt" % (componentname, streamname))
return ImportHandler.getsimplehistoryfromfile(outputfilename)

class ChangeEntry:
def __init__(self, revision, author, email, date, comment):
Expand All @@ -189,6 +312,9 @@ def getgitauthor(self):
authorrepresentation = "%s <%s>" % (,
return shell.quote(authorrepresentation)

def tostring(self):
return self.comment + " (Date: " + + ", Author: " + + ", Revision: " + self.revision + ")"

class ComponentBaseLineEntry:
def __init__(self, component, baseline, componentname, baselinename):
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