Have you ever dreamed put your own channel on your own website?
LittleYoutube is here to help you
Youtube doesn't like their content being scraped. Please respect their service by not use this library as a scraping bot or a replacement for their website.
This library is developed to help the community.
- LittleYoutube
- Table of contents
- Getting Started
- Download via composer
- Sample Usage
- Documentation
- Contribution
- License
- Clone/download this repo
- Include
to your php script
Add LittleYoutube to composer.json configuration file.
$ composer require scarletsfiction/littleyoutube
And update it
$ composer update
// require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once "LittleYoutube.php";
use ScarletsFiction\LittleYoutube;
$video = LittleYoutube::video("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQomv1gqmb4");
echo("Video ID:".$video->data['videoID']."\n");
Available options
// Must be set to save the decipher logic
// View the decipher logic as a text
"signatureDebug"=>false || realpath("./signatureDebug.log"),
// Get the detailed info
// Optional if the video can't be downloaded on some country
// Will be slow because all url header will be checked
// Parse from VideoInfo or VideoPage
"processVideoFrom"=>"VideoInfo" || "VideoPage"
$video = LittleYoutube::video("videoURLHere", options);
//Reinit video class $video->init("videoURLHere");
Return video class
Return Indexed Array
[ "HighQualityURL", "MediumQualityURL", "DefaultQualityURL" ]
// Usually we will wrap it with iframe
echo('<iframe width="480" height="360" src="'.$video->getEmbedLink().'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
$video->parseSubtitle(args, asSRT);
- args: subtitle index or xml string
- asSRT: return as srt format
- note: if you pass subtitle index, ProcessDetails must be enabled/called
[time] => 1.31,
[duration] => 6.609,
[text]=>"in a single lifetime we can take a days"
- You can also call $video->processDetails() to refresh data
Return Associative Array of current video data
//When ProcessDetail was enabled/called
"playerID", "title", "duration", "viewCount", "like", "dislike", "author", "subtitle", "uploaded", "description", "metatag", "channelID",
// Not available when ProcessDetails = false
[0] => {
[0] => Media //video
[1] => Format //mp4
[2] => Encoder //avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2
"expire", //timestamp
"quality", //hd720, medium, small
"size" //When loadVideoSize was enabled
[0] => {
[0] => Media //video
[1] => Format //mp4
[2] => Encoder //avc1.4d401f
"expire", //timestamp
"quality", //1080p, 720p, 192k, 144k
"size" //When loadVideoSize was enabled
//If it's a live stream, then return m3u8 url only
$channel = LittleYoutube::channel("channelURLHere", options);
//Reinit channel class $channel->init("channelURLHere");
Return channel class
Return string
- You can also call $channel->processDetails() to refresh data
Return Associative Array of current channel data
//Some data will available when ProcessDetail was enabled/called
"channelID", "userID",
$playlist = LittleYoutube::playlist("playlistURLHere", options);
//Reinit playlist class $playlist->init("playlistURLHere");
Return playlist class
- You can also call $playlist->processDetails() to refresh data
Return string
//Some data will available when ProcessDetail was enabled/called
"playlistID", "channelID", "userID",
"name", image
"title", "videoID"
$search = LittleYoutube::search("searchQueryHere", options);
//Reinit search class $search->init("searchQueryHere");
Return search class
- You can also call $search->processDetails() to refresh data
Return string
// Not available when ProcessDetails = false
"videoID", "title", "duration", "userID", "userName", "uploaded", "views"
//When available
"next", "previous"
This will add result from the next page to current data
You can also change the settings after initialize LittleYoutube class
$classes->settings[options] = value;
If you want to help in LittleYoutube library, please make it even better and start a pull request into it.
Don't forget to follow me ^.^)/
LittleYoutube is under the MIT license.