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Simple python script to find ports serving web content through an http proxy (credentials required) such as squid http proxy.
Can probably be done with a regular port scanner (e g nmap with proxy chains), but this helped us out in a ctf
during which we couldn't so I thought I'd share.
In order to divert attention away from my shoddy programming I spruced it up with an ascii art banner and some colours.
clone the repo and install dependencies
git clone https://github.com/rub3rth/squidchoker
cd squidchoker
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 squidchoker.py [proxy username] [proxy password] [proxy domain] [proxy port] [domain to be scanned] [port on which to begin scanning]
python3 squidchoker.py admin password domain.com 3128 domain.com 1337