Library Management system allows user to add, view and update book details in libary.
This app contains granular set of components built on -
- [React]
- [Redux]
- [Nodejs]
- [View Book list]
- [Add Book Details]
- [Edit Book Details]
- [Search Book details- works on all the table columns]
Build and tested on Node 12.3.0 version.
Once the Node toolchain has been installed, you can download the project dependencies with:
npm install
To run your application locally:
npm run dev
npm run dev will start client and server both concurrently.
Your application will be running at http://localhost:3000
node 12.13.0
Node js is used as backend which has API end points.
Book details are stored in localFile name localDB.json It should have intial structure as- {"bookList":[]}
To avoid filtering on every key press, we have implemented debounce. Debounce is more useful for server side search.