Database Design for Capacity Enhancement of NEC-ECNEC & ordination Wing by Introducing Digital Database and Archive System
Auto-parser to extract meta-data from different unstructured sources
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Python 3.4 or later
Create a virtual environment by using virtualenv or venv. Activate environment and Install required package in this environment by using pip.
source /pathtoenv/bin/activate
pip install requirements.txt
Or easily run from project directory
This API convert docx file in pdf format.
Route: /file_convert
Method: [POST]
Input: folder_name
Output: Response message: Already converted or Successfully converted
This API extract define meta-data from a specific file. Source file can be DPP(Development Project Proposal), DPP Summary- Brief or Main Summary, Meeting Minute. Format of file must be docx type.
Route: /data_extraction
Method: [POST]
Input: folder_name
Output: JSON response
JSON response will be a list of dictionary and contains:
"approval_date": "", "cabinet_division_map":, "cost_unit": "", "end_date": "", "end_month": "","end_year": "","executing_agency": "","gob_cost": "","gob_cost_lakh": ,"other_cost": "","other_cost_lakh": ,"own_fund": "","own_fund_lakh": ,"pa_cost": "","pa_cost_lakh": ,"planning_division": "","project_activity": "","project_cost": "","project_cost_lakh": ,"project_id": "","project_location": [],
"project_location_tab": [
"district": "",
"division": "",
"upzila": ""
"project_name": "","project_name_english": "","project_purpose": "","revised_end_date": "","revised_end_month": ,"revised_end_year": ,"revised_gob_cost": "","revised_gob_cost_lakh": ,"revised_other_cost": "","revised_other_cost_lakh": ,"revised_pa_cost": "", "revised_pa_cost_lakh": ,"revised_project_cost": "","revised_project_cost_lakh": ,"revised_start_date": "","revised_start_month": ,"revised_start_year": ,"sponsoring_ministry": "","sponsoring_ministry_map": ,"start_date": "","start_month": ,"start_year": ""
"approval_date": "", "cabinet_division_map":, "cost_unit": "", "end_date": "", "end_month": "","end_year": "","executing_agency": "","gob_cost": "","gob_cost_lakh": ,"other_cost": "","other_cost_lakh": ,"own_fund": "","own_fund_lakh": ,"pa_cost": "","pa_cost_lakh": ,"planning_division": "","project_activity": "","project_cost": "","project_cost_lakh": ,"project_id": "","project_location": [],"project_name": "","project_name_english": "","project_purpose": "","sponsoring_ministry": "","sponsoring_ministry_map": ,"start_date": "","start_month": ,"start_year": ""
"approval_date": "", "cabinet_division_map":, "cost_unit": "", "end_date": "", "end_month": "","end_year": "","executing_agency": "","gob_cost": "","gob_cost_lakh": ,"is_ministry_project": ,"other_cost": "","other_cost_lakh": ,"own_fund": "","own_fund_lakh": ,"pa_cost": "","pa_cost_lakh": ,"planning_division": "","project_activity": "","project_benefit":"", "project_cost": "","project_cost_lakh": ,"project_id": "","project_location": [],"project_name": "","project_name_english": "","project_purpose": "","sponsoring_ministry": "","sponsoring_ministry_map": ,"start_date": "","start_month": ,"start_year": ""
Linking the current project with it's parent project.
Route: /data_extraction
Method: [POST]
Input: project_name
Output: [parent_project_name]
- Flask - The micro-web framework used
- Mia Md Raihan - Complete work - website
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project and worked in different modules.
This project is licensed under the Copyright © Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET