For CS161 (Algorithms), Spring 2013.
- Compile by calling make
- To pass in a directory with an input.txt as a parameter (as with the test cases and the script): ./Midterm
- To read directly from "input.txt", comment out line 30 and uncomment line 31: ./Midterm or make run
For the midterm assignment, we had to implement the Viterbi algorithm (although we didn't know it at the time) using dynamic programming.
Assignment spec:
Problem: We're given a directed graph G that models a probabilistic process, starting from a uniform distribution over the vertices. Each Edge e_i has the form (a_i, b_i, l_i, p_i), meaning that if we are at vertex a_i, there is a probability of p_i of generating label l_i and moving to vertex b_i. Given a sequence of labels, the goal is to find the most likely starting point and path taken through graph G.
Input format:
First line: N M T L
- N -- vertices can take on values from {0, ... , N}
- M -- there are m edges
- T -- the trace (second line) has T labels
- L -- labels can take on values from {0, ... , L}
Second line: int[] trace -- T space separated 0's and 1's. E.g if T = 5, the second line could be: 0 1 1 0 0
Each subsequent line encodes an Edge. Format: edge.from edge.label edge.weight
Output: Writes 2 files to the same directory as the input file.
- output1.txt: contains the minimum weight of a path satisfying labels.
- output2.txt: contains the vertices of a path that has the minimum weight.