As a user:
- I want to be able to see the state of the game at all times
- I want to be able to create a room and play the resistance with my friends
- I want to have game information displayed in realtime in a chat window where I can talk to other players
- I want to be able to mouseover a player and show what missions they have been on
- I want to be able to see clearly where the game is up to and what I need to do
- I want to see an individual player story
- I want to increase tension with dramatic mission and game outcome reveals
- I want to be to put the heat on people through heinous accusations
- I want to have mission flavour
- I want to be able to create a password protected room that only my friends can join
name | purpose |
Login | View for user to enter their login credentials |
Register | View for user to sign up for the App |
Lobby | View for user to create room and decide when there are enough players before starting the game |
History | Ugly spreadsheet of votes and other information |
GameScreen | Main view for game play, displaying board, missions, players, chat/log |
WinScreen | Show the results of the game (stretch) |
name | purpose |
auth | Store information regarding user logins, auth status and auth errors |
game | Store info about game name, time started, host and whether finished or in progress |
users | store the list of players who can join games |
type | data | purpose |
START_GAME | Players, inProgress | initialize game state |
type | data | purpose |
RECEIVE_GAMES | games | retrieve list of games for the lobby |
type | data | purpose |
RECEIVE_USERS | users | retreive the users from the server |
Method | Endpoint | Protected | Usage | Response |
Post | /api/auth/login | Yes | Log In a User | The Users JWT Token |
Post | /api/auth/register | Yes | Register a User | The Users JWT Token |
Post | /api/game/new | Yes | Create a new game and populate with host | Game object |
Post | /api/game/join | Yes | Add player to a game | The user id and game id |
Post | /api/game/start | Yes | Begin a game | The game object |
Game settings in seperate JSON file Theere should be three tables for MVP
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
user_name | String |
display_name | String |
img | text |
hash | text |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
is_finished | Boolean |
in_progress | Boolean |
time_stamp | Integer |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
outcome | Boolean |
game_id | Integer |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
round_number | Integer |
mission_id | Integer |
leader_id | Integer |
Column Name | Data Type |
intention | Boolean |
mission_id | Integer |
user_id | Integer |
Rounds have multiple votes
Column Name | Data Type |
round_id | Integer |
vote | Boolean |
user_id | Integer |
Rounds have multiple nominated players
Column Name | Data Type |
round_id | Integer |
user_id | Integer |
Column Name | Data Type |
game_id | Integer |
user_id | Integer |
role | String |
Many Users play Many Games
Column Name | Data Type |
user_id | Integer |
game_id | Integer |
Run the following commands in your terminal:
yarn install
yarn knex migrate:latest
yarn knex seed:run
mv .env_example .env
To run in development:
yarn dev
- or -
npm run dev
To run in production:
yarn start
- or -
npm start
Create your app with heroku create [name]
You can check that this was successful by running heroku apps to view a list of your apps
Add postgresql (hobby dev) to your app at\[APP NAME HERE]/resources
Check that pg has been added by running heroku addons to ensure the postgresql db is on your app
I have created several npm scripts that will be useful for deploying your app to heroku easily.
To push your local master branch to your heroku app:
yarn h:deploy
- or -
npm run h:deploy
Run heroku migrations:
yarn h:migrate
- or -
npm run h:migrate
Run heroku seeds:
yarn h:seed
- or -
npm run h:seed
If ever you need to rollback, you can also:
yarn h:rollback
- or -
npm run h:rollback
Your app should be deployed!