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Deploying Redis Enterprise K8s using an operator (custom controller)

Table of Contents


  • A minimum of 3 nodes which support the following requirements
  • A kubernetes version of 1.8 or higher
  • For service broker - a k8s distribution that supports service catalog (see also: service-catalog)
  • Access to DockerHub, RedHat Container Catalog or a private repository that can serve the required images

Note: For RHEL based images and/or deployments on OpenShift, please use redis-enterprise-cluster_rhel.yaml and operator_rhel.yaml. For Service Broker, please see examples/with_service_broker_rhel.yaml. RedHat certified images are available on:

The following are the images and tags for this release:

Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:5.4.6-17 / 5.4.6-17.rhel7-openshift

Operator - redislabs/operator:5.4.6-1086 / 5.4.6-1086.rhel7

Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:5.4.6-1086 / 5.4.6-1086.rhel7

Service Broker - redislabs/service-broker:78_4b9b17f / 78_4b9b17f.rhel7


Clone (or download) this repository, which contains the deployment files:

git clone
  1. Create a namespace / project.

    For non-OpenShift deployments, create a new namespace:

    kubectl create namespace demo

    For OpenShift deployments, create a new project (you can substitute oc for kubectl in the rest of these instructions):

    oc new-project my-project

    For either deployment, switch context to operate within the newly created namespace:

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=demo
  2. If you are not running OpenShift, skip to the next step. For OpenShift, perform the following commands (you need admin permissions for your cluster):

    oc apply -f scc.yaml

    You should receive the following response: "redis-enterprise-scc" configured

    Provide the operator permissions for pods (substitute your project for "my-project"):

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group redis-enterprise-scc system:serviceaccounts:my-project

    If you're deploying a service broker, also apply the sb_rbac.yaml file:

    oc apply -f sb_rbac.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    clusterrole "redis-enterprise-operator-sb" configured

    Bind the Cluster Service Broker role to the operator service account (in the current namespace):

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user redis-enterprise-operator-sb --serviceaccount redis-enterprise-operator --rolebinding-name=redis-enterprise-operator-sb

    You should receive the following response:

    cluster role "redis-enterprise-operator-sb" added: "redis-enterprise-operator"

  3. You can optionally use pod security policy.

    kubectl apply -f psp.yaml

    If you use this option, you should add the policy name to REC configuration, in redis-enterprise-cluster.yaml.

    podSecurityPolicyName: "redis-enterprise-psp"
  4. The next step applies rbac.yaml, creating a service account, role, and role-binding to allow resources access control (provides permissions to create and manage resources):

    kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml

    You should receive the following response: configured

  5. The next step applies crd.yaml, creating a CustomResourceDefinition for redis enterprise cluster resource. This creates another API resource to be handled by the k8s API server and managed by the operator we will deploy next.

    kubectl apply -f crd.yaml

    You should receive the following response: configured

  6. Create the operator deployment: a deployment responsible for managing the k8s deployment and lifecycle of a redis-enterprise-cluster. Among many other responsibilities, it creates a stateful set that runs the redis enterprise nodes (as pods).

    Before applying, edit the tag according to the relevant operator version: image: redislabs/operator:tag

    kubectl apply -f operator.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator created

  7. Run kubectl get Deployment and verify redis-enterprise-operator deployment is running.

    A typical response may look like this:

    |NAME                     |DESIRED | CURRENT  | UP-TO-DATE | AVAILABLE | AGE|
    |redis-enterprise-operator|1	   | 1        |  1         | 1         | 2m |
  8. Create A Redis Enterprise Cluster. Choose the configuration relevant for you (see next section). There are additional examples in the examples folder. Note that you need to specify an image tag if you'd like to pull a RHEL image.

    kubectl apply -f redis-enterprise-cluster.yaml
  9. Run kubectl get rec and verify creation was successful. "rec" is a shortcut for RedisEnterpriseClusters.


The operator deploys with default configurations values, but those can be customized:

Redis Image

    imagePullPolicy:  IfNotPresent
    repository:       redislabs/redis
    versionTag:       5.4.2-27


    enabled: true
    volumeSize: "10Gi" # if you don't provide default is 5 times RAM size
    storageClassName: "standard" #on AWS common storage class is gp2

Redis Enterprise Nodes (pods)

      cpu: "4000m"
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: "4000m"
      memory: 4Gi

User Name to be used for accessing the cluster. Default is [email protected]

username: "[email protected]"

UI service type: Load Balancer or cluster IP (default)

uiServiceType: LoadBalancer

Extra Labels: additional labels to tag the k8s resources created during deployment

    example1: "some-value"
    example2: "some-value"

UI annotations - add custom annotation to the UI service

    uiAnnotation1: 'UI-annotation1'
    uiAnnotation2: 'UI-Annotation2'

SideCar containers- images that will run along side the redis enterprise containers

    - name: sidecar
      image: dockerhub_repo/repo:tag
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Service Broker (only for supported clusters)

    enabled: true
      storageClassName: "gp2" #adjust according to infrastructure

CRDB (Active Active): *Currently supported for OpenShift

activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
  method: openShiftRoute

With Service Broker support (add this in addition to serviceBrokerSpec section):

activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
  method: openShiftRoute
      - apiIngressUrl:
        authSecret: cluster2_secret
        fqdn: <cluster2_name>.<cluster2_namespace>.svc.cluster.local
      - apiIngressUrl:
        authSecret: cluster3_secret
        fqdn: <cluster3_name>.<cluster3_namespace>.svc.cluster.local

IPV4 enforcement

You might not have IPV6 support in your K8S cluster. In this case, you could enforce the use of IPV4, by adding the following attribute to the REC spec:

  enforceIPv4: true

Note: Setting 'enforceIPv4' to 'true' is a requirement for running REC on PKS.


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