Inspired by ch99q
Based on electron-vite
⚡️ SolidJS + Vite + TypeScript + Electron
📦 Ready out of the box
🔥 Hot reloading
# clone template without git history
npx degit <folder_name>
# open the project directory
cd <folder_name>
# install dependencies
npm install
# start the application
npm run dev
# make a production build
npm run build
├── electron Electron-related code
│ ├── main Main-process source code
│ └── preload Preload-scripts source code
├── release Generated after production build, contains executables
│ └── {version}
│ ├── {os}-{os_arch} Contains unpacked application executable
│ └── {app_name}_{version}.{ext} Installer for the application
├── public Static assets
└── src Renderer source code, your SolidJS application