A content authoring tool with bidirectional links and other garden features
## open $EDITOR and go through the process of writing interactively
garden write
## write to the sparkfile
garden write -sm something here
## append to a file or create a new one
garden write -t Some Title -m Some message
Garden expects MDX, although we won't be parsing it fully in this course. This leads to two things: bidirectional links and tags. We can search for files by the tag they include.
garden search -t rust
[[learning rust]]
# Metadata
Talking about #rust and other things
Turn a directory of markdown files into html.
garden publish -o ./publish
All garden commands accept an environment variable or flag to indicate which garden to operate on.
## With an ENV var
GARDEN_PATH=~/github/chris/sector garden write
## or the same thing with a flag
garden -p ~/github/chris/sector garden write