Implementation of model proposed in Name Nationaltiy Classification with Recurrent Neural Networks (Lee et al., IJCAI 2017) in PyTorch.
Here is the Tensorflow implementation.
- python 3.6.4.
- pytorch 1.3.1+cu92.
- re(regex) 2.2.1.
- numpy 1.17.0.
- json 2.0.9.
- tqdm (optional) 4.38.0.
- gensim 3.8.1
Many thanks to for the data. A collection of ~10000 sample pairs of names, nationality with ethnicity and ~3000 validation and testing samples of the same.
can be edited to tweak the model, change the running mode (train/test), change the lr decay rate, etc.
used the change the paths and add / edit global variables.
Note :- In config.json
, Vocab_len keys specify the ngram idx2grams and grams2idx size. embed_dim key specify the embedding dimension.
To run the code : python