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My personal ports collection for CRUX Linux


  1. Support for upgrading Linux CRUX host software from one primary host
  2. Live upgrade system to new Linux CRUX release
  3. Network boot and installation Linux CRUX
  4. Install the system in accordance with the specified functional role
  5. Create individual Linux CRUX installation image

Collection content

Port Description
bind ISC Berkeley Internet Name Domain Service
brother_dcp1600 Brother DCP-1600 printer driver
core Linux kernel
dhcp ISC DHCP server, client and relay agent
firefox-esr Firefox Extended Support Release
i2c-tools I2C Tools for Linux
iso CRUX installation image
jwm A lightweight window manager for the X11 Window System
libreoffice-ru Full featured cross platform office suite for russian (binary)
live Live-update script
locale Russian system locales
lshw Show detailed computer configuration information
net-snmp SNMP daemon and client tools
ntp Network Time Protocol software
p5-dbi Database independent interface for Perl
p5-sqlite Perl DBI driver for SQLite
p7-zip File archiver with a high compression ratio
pkgnew A set of shell scripts for administering packages
rdesktop Open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server
rss Reports/Restore shell scripts for administration
tftp-hpa An enhanced version of the BSD tftp client/server
uasm A free MASM-compatible assembler based on JWasm
ucarp Userspace implementation of the CARP protocol
xorg-font-paratype-ttf ParaType font family with extended cyrillic and latin character sets

Quick start

cd /etc/ports
wget --no-ch{httpup,pub}
ports -u ruxr
cd /usr/ports/ruxr/pkgnew
pkgmk -d -i
pkgnew -bd pkgnew core live rss


  1. Default URL for Linux CRUX distribution: http://crux/CRUX-3.6

  2. To use Apache HTTP server as the Linux CRUX update service, check /etc/apache/httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost crux:80>
	DocumentRoot "/var/www/crux"
	<Directory "/var/www/crux">
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		AllowOverride None
		Require all granted

and create symbolic link to Linux CRUX release:

$ ln -s $(bash -c '. /etc/pkgmk.conf; echo $PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR') /var/www/crux/CRUX-3.6
  1. To set up a TFTP-server for Linux CRUX, check /var/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default:
	kernel boot/vmlinuz
	initrd boot/initramfs
	append quiet

and copy required files:

$ bsdtar -C /var/tftp -xf /var/www/crux/CRUX-3.6/CRUX-3.6.iso boot/{vmlinuz,initramfs}
  1. To update Linux live to the CRUX-3.6, do:
$ wget http://crux/CRUX-3.6/
$ sh


CRUX ports collection







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