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calendar package updates
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rwilson504 committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent ebe23d8 commit 529a919
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Showing 7 changed files with 8,789 additions and 5,826 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions Calendar/.eslintrc.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es2020": true
"extends": [
"globals": {
"ComponentFramework": true
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2020,
"sourceType": "module"
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "off"
111 changes: 64 additions & 47 deletions Calendar/Calendar/CalendarControl.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import * as lcid from 'lcid';
import * as Color from 'color'
import {MobileToolbar, ToolbarColor} from './MobileToolbar'
import { inherits } from 'util';
var CustomWorkWeek = require('./MyWorkWeek');
var isHexColor = require('is-hexcolor');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const CustomWorkWeek = require('./MyWorkWeek');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const isHexColor = require('is-hexcolor');

export interface IProps {
pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ const localizer = momentLocalizer(moment);
//customize the momentLocalizer to utilize our week start day property.
localizer.startOfWeek = (culture: Culture) => {
if (weekStartDay && weekStartDay > 0) return weekStartDay - 1;
var data = culture ? moment.localeData(culture) : moment.localeData();
const data = culture ? moment.localeData(culture) : moment.localeData();
return data ? data.firstDayOfWeek() : 0;

Expand All @@ -60,20 +62,21 @@ const calendarRtl = props.pcfContext.userSettings.isRTL;
const calendarScrollTo = moment().set({"hour": props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarScrollToTime?.raw || 0, "minute": 0, "seconds" : 0}).toDate();

const [calendarView, setCalendarView] = React.useState(getCalendarView(calendarViews, props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarView?.raw || ""));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const [calendarData, setCalendarData] = React.useState<{resources: any[] | undefined, events: IEvent[], keys: any}>({resources: [], events: [], keys: undefined});
const [calendarDate, setCalendarDate] = React.useState(props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarDate?.raw?.getTime() === 0 ? moment().toDate() : (props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarDate?.raw || moment().toDate()));
const calendarRef = React.useRef(null);

//sets the keys and calendar data when the control is loaded or the calendarDataSet changes.
async function asyncCalendarData(){
var keys = calendarData.keys;
let keys = calendarData.keys;
if (!keys)
keys = await getKeys(props.pcfContext);

var dataSet = props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
const dataSet = props.pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
//console.log(`asyncCalendarData: dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length: ${dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length}`)
if (dataSet.loading === false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ React.useEffect(()=>{
ToolbarColor.textColor = calendarTextColor;
ToolbarColor.borderColor = calendarBorderColor;
let styleTag = document.getElementById('rbc-calendar-theme-style');
const styleTag = document.getElementById('rbc-calendar-theme-style');
if (styleTag){
styleTag.innerHTML = generateThemeCSS();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ const generateThemeCSS = () : string =>{

//when an event is selected it return the events id in canvas and open the record in model app
const _handleEventSelected = (event: IEvent) => {
let eventId = as string
const eventId = as string

props.onClickSelectedRecord( as string);

Expand All @@ -230,17 +233,19 @@ const _handleEventSelected = (event: IEvent) => {

//when an empty area on the calendar is selected this output the values for the selected range in canvas
//and opens the record in model.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const _handleSlotSelect = (slotInfo: any) => {

props.onClickSlot(slotInfo.start, slotInfo.end, slotInfo.resourceId || "");
//if we are in a model app open a new record and pass in the data
if (props.pcfContext.mode.allocatedHeight === -1){

let newRecordProperties: any = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const newRecordProperties: any = {};
newRecordProperties[calendarData.keys.start] = formatDateAsParameterString(slotInfo.start);
newRecordProperties[calendarData.keys.end] = formatDateAsParameterString(slotInfo.end);
if (calendarData.keys.resource && slotInfo.resourceId && calendarData.resources){
var resourceInfo = calendarData.resources.find(x=> === slotInfo.resourceId);
const resourceInfo = calendarData.resources.find(x=> === slotInfo.resourceId);
newRecordProperties[calendarData.keys.resource] =;
newRecordProperties[calendarData.keys.resource + "name"] = resourceInfo.title;
newRecordProperties[calendarData.keys.resource + "type"] = resourceInfo.etn;
Expand All @@ -263,8 +268,9 @@ const _handleOnView = (view: string) => {

const _onCalendarChange = () =>
let ref = calendarRef.current as any;
let rangeDates = getCurrentRange(calendarDate, ref.props.view, ref.props.culture)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const ref = calendarRef.current as any;
const rangeDates = getCurrentRange(calendarDate, ref.props.view, ref.props.culture)
props.onCalendarChange(, rangeDates.start, rangeDates.end, ref.props.view);

Expand All @@ -289,6 +295,7 @@ const dayPropsGetter = (date: Date) => {

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const agendaEvent = ({event} : any)=> {
return (
Expand All @@ -305,8 +312,10 @@ const agendaEvent = ({event} : any)=> {

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const resourceHeader = ({label} : any)=> {
let ref = calendarRef.current as any;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const ref = calendarRef.current as any;
return (
Expand All @@ -315,7 +324,8 @@ const resourceHeader = ({label} : any)=> {

const timeGutterHeader = ()=> {
let ref = calendarRef.current as any;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const ref = calendarRef.current as any;
return (
<span title={ref ? ref.props.messages.allDay : ""} className="rbc-time-header-gutter-all-day">
{ref ? ref.props.messages.allDay : ""}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,12 +394,13 @@ return(!calendarData?.resources ? <Calendar

//gets all the fields names and other keys will will need while processing the data
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async function getKeys(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>) : Promise<any> {
let params = pcfContext.parameters;
let dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
const params = pcfContext.parameters;
const dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;

let resource = params.resourceField.raw ? getFieldName(dataSet, params.resourceField.raw) : "";
let resourceGetAllInModel = params.resourceGetAllInModel.raw?.toLowerCase() === "true" ? true : false;
const resource = params.resourceField.raw ? getFieldName(dataSet, params.resourceField.raw) : "";
const resourceGetAllInModel = params.resourceGetAllInModel.raw?.toLowerCase() === "true" ? true : false;
let resourceEtn = '';
let resourceName = params.resourceName.raw ? getFieldName(dataSet, params.resourceName.raw) : "";
let resourceId = '';
Expand All @@ -398,11 +409,11 @@ async function getKeys(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>) : Promis
if (pcfContext.mode.allocatedHeight === -1 && resource && resourceGetAllInModel)
//get the resource entity name
let eventMeta = await pcfContext.utils.getEntityMetadata(pcfContext.mode.contextInfo.entityTypeName, [resource]);
///@ts-expect-error contextInfo access
const eventMeta = await pcfContext.utils.getEntityMetadata(pcfContext.mode.contextInfo.entityTypeName, [resource]);
resourceEtn = eventMeta.Attributes.getByName(resource).Targets[0];
//get the resource primary name and id fields for resource.
let resourceMeta = await pcfContext.utils.getEntityMetadata(resourceEtn);
const resourceMeta = await pcfContext.utils.getEntityMetadata(resourceEtn);
resourceName = resourceName ? resourceName : resourceMeta.PrimaryNameAttribute;
resourceId = resourceMeta.PrimaryIdAttribute;
Expand All @@ -429,42 +440,45 @@ function getFieldName(dataSet: ComponentFramework.PropertyTypes.DataSet , fieldN
if (fieldName.indexOf('.') === -1 || !dataSet.linking) return fieldName;

//otherwise we need to determine the alias of the linked entity
var linkedFieldParts = fieldName.split('.');
const linkedFieldParts = fieldName.split('.');
linkedFieldParts[0] = dataSet.linking.getLinkedEntities().find(e => === linkedFieldParts[0].toLowerCase())?.alias || "";
return linkedFieldParts.join('.');

//returns all the calendar data including the events and resources
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async function getCalendarData(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, keys: any) : Promise<{resources: any[] | undefined, events: Event[], keys: any}>
let resourceData = await getResources(pcfContext, keys);
let eventData = await getEvents(pcfContext, resourceData, keys);
const resourceData = await getResources(pcfContext, keys);
const eventData = await getEvents(pcfContext, resourceData, keys);

//console.log(`getCalendarData: eventData.length: ${eventData?.length}`);
return {resources: resourceData, events: eventData, keys: keys}

//retrieves all the resources from the datasource
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async function getResources(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, keys: any): Promise<any[] | undefined> {
let dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
const dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;

let resources: any[] = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const resources: any[] = [];
//if the user did not put in resource then do not add them to the calendar.
if (!keys.resource) return undefined;

let totalRecordCount = dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length;
const totalRecordCount = dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length;

for (let i = 0; i < totalRecordCount; i++) {
let recordId = dataSet.sortedRecordIds[i];
let record = dataSet.records[recordId] as DataSetInterfaces.EntityRecord;
const recordId = dataSet.sortedRecordIds[i];
const record = dataSet.records[recordId] as DataSetInterfaces.EntityRecord;

let resourceId = "";
let resourceName = "";
let resourceEtn = "";

//if this is a Model app we will be using a lookup reference for the Resources
if (pcfContext.mode.allocatedHeight === -1){
let resourceRef = record.getValue(keys.resource) as ComponentFramework.EntityReference;
const resourceRef = record.getValue(keys.resource) as ComponentFramework.EntityReference;
if (resourceRef){
resourceId =;
resourceName = keys.resourceName && keys.resourceName.indexOf('.') !== -1 ? record.getValue(keys.resourceName) as string || "" :;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,12 +516,13 @@ async function getResources(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, key
return distinctResources;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async function getAllResources(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, resources: any[], keys: any): Promise<void> {
var resourceName = keys.resourceName.indexOf('.') === -1 ? keys.resourceName : keys.resourceName.split('.')[1];
var options = keys.resourceName ? `?$select=${resourceName}` : undefined;
const resourceName = keys.resourceName.indexOf('.') === -1 ? keys.resourceName : keys.resourceName.split('.')[1];
const options = keys.resourceName ? `?$select=${resourceName}` : undefined;

//retrieve all the resources
var allResources = await pcfContext.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(keys.resourceEtn, options, 5000);
const allResources = await pcfContext.webAPI.retrieveMultipleRecords(keys.resourceEtn, options, 5000);

//loop through and push them to the resources array
allResources.entities.forEach(e => {
Expand All @@ -519,34 +534,35 @@ async function getAllResources(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>,

//retrieves all the events from the datasource
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async function getEvents(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, resources: any[] | undefined, keys: any): Promise<Event[]> {
let dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
let totalRecordCount = dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length;
const dataSet = pcfContext.parameters.calendarDataSet;
const totalRecordCount = dataSet.sortedRecordIds.length;

let newEvents: Event[] = [];
const newEvents: Event[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < totalRecordCount; i++) {
var recordId = dataSet.sortedRecordIds[i];
var record = dataSet.records[recordId] as DataSetInterfaces.EntityRecord;
const recordId = dataSet.sortedRecordIds[i];
const record = dataSet.records[recordId] as DataSetInterfaces.EntityRecord;

var name = record.getValue( as string;
var start = record.getValue(keys.start);
var end = record.getValue(keys.end);
const name = record.getValue( as string;
const start = record.getValue(keys.start);
const end = record.getValue(keys.end);

if (!name || !start || !end) continue;

let newEvent: IEvent = {
const newEvent: IEvent = {
id: ? record.getValue( as string || recordId : recordId,
start: new Date(start as number),
end: new Date(end as number),
title: name

let color = record.getValue(keys.eventColor);
const color = record.getValue(keys.eventColor);
if (color) newEvent.color = color as string;

if (resources)
var resourceId = record.getValue(keys.resource);
const resourceId = record.getValue(keys.resource);
if (resourceId){
//if model app get the id of the entity reference, otherwise use the id field provided
newEvent.resource = pcfContext.mode.allocatedHeight === -1 ?
Expand All @@ -572,15 +588,16 @@ function formatDateAsParameterString(date: Date){

function getCalendarView(calendarViews: ViewsProps, viewName: string) : View {
let calView = Object.keys(calendarViews).find((x: string) => x === viewName.toLowerCase());
const calView = Object.keys(calendarViews).find((x: string) => x === viewName.toLowerCase());
return calView ? calView as View : Object.keys(calendarViews)[0] as View;

function getCalendarViews(pcfContext: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>) : ViewsProps {
let viewList = pcfContext.parameters.calendarAvailableViews?.raw || "month";
let validViews = viewList.split(',').filter(x => allViews.indexOf(x.trim()) !== -1);
const viewList = pcfContext.parameters.calendarAvailableViews?.raw || "month";
const validViews = viewList.split(',').filter(x => allViews.indexOf(x.trim()) !== -1);

let selectedViews: any = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const selectedViews: any = {};
if (validViews.length < 1){
selectedViews.week = true;
Expand Down

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