Community repo for CB7 contributions
Download and unzip the package to RunningWithRifles/media/packages.
Rename package to CB7
(exactly as is, otherwise scripts break from not finding the right folders.)
Open RWR, and run a new campaign with the cb7 mod.
Add files to the folders, as they would belong in the vanilla game. (For example: weapons need a file in weapons, a texture in textures, and a model in models. Optional files in sounds/particles)
Depending on the type of thing you are adding, add your items to the respective cb_all_***.xml
This makes them appear in the armory.
Moving while prone periodically teleports the player in the direction they are moving, including through walls.
- MGV-176 //in4ss/Oche34/MarcusKrug (formerly submitted as A180 smg)
- Gilboa C (Jungle Style) //daidai2bzhe/KFredfox/MarcusKRUG (Still haven't gotten the files for the new version)
- Ordnance Shovel //CNmemories/KFredfox/MarcusKRUG
- Glock18 //Lord_Noodal
- Surefire MGX //Lord_Noodal (shot sfx by mus1CK)
- Clown Car //MR. BANG
- SKS //KFRedFox/mus1CK
- SKS - incendiary //KFRedFox/mus1CK/RubberyChicken
- BF2011 //Courting Death
- Glock18c //MarcusKRUG
- Gold P90 //MR. BANG/MarcusKRUG (gold bullet trail)
- Panda outfit //Panda
- Platinum Bar //MR. BANG
- Dog bone (flare) //MR. BANG
- Patriot flare //MR. BANG
- XM29 OICW //Unit G17/MarcusKRUG/warbrand2/Kiruex (warbrand/Kiruex from CB6 version. not sure if Marcus did stuff or just handed it to me for inclusion. Better to include an extra person than to leave out someone.)
- Mk14 EBR //MoistGoat/MarcusKrug
- Gilboa DBR //NC0032/KFRedfox/KacrusKRUG
- Boomboxes //RubberyChicken(animation, code)/MR. BANG(model assistance)/Candlemass(Music)/Laughtrack(Music, Galactic)
- Cowboy outfits //Lord_Noodal
- Type88 //Dimitri/Unit G17/MarcusKRUG
- MPX (+Hollow Point) //mus1CK
- Cobra Adder crossbow //Lord_Noodal
- Malyuk (+suppressor) //Chip
- Stick Horse //Solo Queue Pixy
- AN94 //mus1CK
- RPC //Solo Queue Pixy
- Galil (+FMJ) //mus1CK
- L199A2 // exerdamn
- Armsel Striker // John_Doe (AKA SimplyKevin)