Releases: rzellem/EXOTIC
Releases · rzellem/EXOTIC
Bugfix on FOV plot and other plot updates
- Update ultranest requirement from ~=3.3.0 to ~=3.3.3
- Add docstring and tests to utils.round_to_2()
- Plate scale label update to FOV plot
- Tests and documents process_lat_long()
- FOV plot fixes for potential NaNs
Bugfix for writing final param file w/o a comp star
- Fixes issue where the final params file would not write if no comparison star was used
Bugfix for Mac/Linux run script and reading in FITS files
- Updated Mac/Linux run script to point to the correct installed version of EXOTIC
- Updated reading in FITS files with multiple dimensions
Ultranest for Mac/Unix users
- The nested sampler package has been changed from dynesty to ultranest for an increase in speed. Please make sure to update your package requirements by running pip3 install requirements.txt. ultranest will only be usable for macOS/Linux users and dynesty for Windows due to the former having a C++ compiler by default.
- Updated partially to include labels of PyPi version, license, and publication. Also updated the inits.json and final planetary parameters output in the only as well as adding dependabot (mainly GitHub additions).
- Degrees and decimal minutes were added to the additional list of latitude and longitude conversions.
- Centroid graphs all singled to one pdf/png.
- Comparison stars are able to be inputted from command-line or inits.json for pre-reduced data.
- Removing codependency between and by placing NEA API into a separate file called that is located in the api folder.
- Fixed real-time reduction and added the ability to utilize through GUI.
- Command-line entry of inputs is working again for pre-reduced data.
- Modified phase calculation to a single equation.
Ultranest for Mac/Unix users
- The nested sampler package has been changed from dynesty to ultranest for an increase in speed. Please make sure to update your package requirements by running pip3 install requirements.txt. ultranest will only be usable for macOS/Linux users and dynesty for Windows due to the former having a C++ compiler by default.
- Updated partially to include labels of PyPi version, license, and publication. Also updated the inits.json and final planetary parameters output in the only as well as adding dependabot (mainly GitHub additions).
- Degrees and decimal minutes were added to the additional list of latitude and longitude conversions.
- Centroid graphs all singled to one pdf/png.
- Comparison stars are able to be inputted from command-line or inits.json for pre-reduced data.
- Removing codependency between and by placing NEA API into a separate file called that is located in the api folder.
- Fixed real-time reduction and added the ability to utilize through GUI.
- Command-line entry of inputs is working again for pre-reduced data.
- Modified phase calculation to a single equation.
Ultranest for Mac/Unix users
- The nested sampler package has been changed from dynesty to ultranest for an increase in speed. Please make sure to update your package requirements by running pip3 install requirements.txt. ultranest will only be usable for macOS/Linux users and dynesty for Windows due to the former having a C++ compiler by default.
- Updated partially to include labels of PyPi version, license, and publication. Also updated the inits.json and final planetary parameters output in the only as well as adding dependabot (mainly GitHub additions).
- Degrees and decimal minutes were added to the additional list of latitude and longitude conversions.
- Centroid graphs all singled to one pdf/png.
- Comparison stars are able to be inputted from command-line or inits.json for pre-reduced data.
- Removing codependency between and by placing NEA API into a separate file called that is located in the api folder.
- Fixed real-time reduction and added the ability to utilize through GUI.
- Command-line entry of inputs is working again for pre-reduced data.
- Modified phase calculation to a single equation.
Updated NEA API to work on GUI and Colab
- Updated NEA API to work in GUI.
- Prints out planetary parameters to output in Colab properly while only having to query NEA once.
Finalized the NEA scraper and updated the aperture sizing
- NEA API updated to re-input names while searching through JSON file
- Aperture size moved from mesh box to mask
Bugfix for NEA API in GUI
- Updating NEA API in GUI
Optimization in Photometry for Large Datasets
- Decrease in time for large datasets due to optimization in photometric routine.
- Slight increase in speed when computing for best comparison star and fitting for lightcurve.
- Exoplanet name formatting will be less strict for NEA queries. Please make sure you run EXOTIC while connected to the internet at least once to download exoplanet names.
- Slight increase in speed when computing for best comparison star and fitting for lightcurve.
- Added error check for plate solution in headers during the alignment phase.