Codename: Sumaro(スマロ) from From the Bridge of No.3(第3艦橋より)
The firmware runs on an STM32 Nucleo64-F401RE board board.
The program is based on the demo of ChibiOS/RT port for ARM-Cortex-M4 STM32F401.
copied from vl53l0x-arduino by pololusofti2c.c
copied from SoftWire for Arduino by stevemarple, but current not being usedpl_softi2c.c
derived fromsofti2c.c
not finished
- Plug in VL53L0X boards
- Turn on 3.3V Power Source
- Plug in the USB of STM32 Nucleo64-F401RE to PC
- Read from a serial port (Baudrate: 38400), you may use
screen /dev/ttyACM0 38400
- It won't automatically restart if you unplug a VL53L0X board and plug it again.
- It rely on external 3.3V power source, so to restart the VL53L0X boards, you have to restart the power source first.
use busy waiting hence is not accurate.
The demo has been tested by using the free Codesourcery GCC-based toolchain and YAGARTO. Just modify the TRGT line in the makefile in order to use different GCC ports.
Some files used by the demo are not part of ChibiOS/RT but are copyright of ST Microelectronics and are licensed under a different license. Also note that not all the files present in the ST library are distributed with ChibiOS/RT, you can find the whole library on the ST web site: