This program serves as an advanced assistant to Dungeons and Dragons players and Dungeon Masters. With this program, you may run requests to have your characters evaluated by an AI assistant that will provide either suggestions about appropriate Wizards of the Coast created magical loot, or you may request that the AI create new loot for you in line with the magic item creation rules set for in the 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide.
First, create a virtual environment in you project directory. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
> python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows, use:
> venv\Scripts\activate
On macOS and Linux, use:
$ source venv/bin/activate
This repository does not come with API keys to the required Firebase Authentication database, the Supabase database, nor the OpenAI assistant.
In the event that the creators of this program would like you to test their work or offer you access to their edition of these dependencies, the API keys will be provided in the zip folder you receive directly.
Should you wish to use this without the authors' API keys, you will be required to set up your own Firebase authentication database, Supabase content database, and OpenAI assistant. The authors of this program may provide support in setting up the databases at their discretion.
Install all required external libraries by running:
> pip install flask supabase pyrebase4 firebase firebase-admin==5.0.0 openai==0.28
or alternatively you can install with (from the root directory):
> pip install requirements.txt
This command installs the required library dependencies needed to support this application.
To run the application, use the following command:
> python
There will be a slight delay as the health check file ensures all API keys are active. Please wait for confirmation in the terminal.
Once completed, this will start the Flask server, and you should see the application running on http://localhost:5000
Press Ctrl and click where it says http://localhost:5000
to launch the application in your browser.
A complete user manual can be requested by the creators of this application by emailing them at [email protected]
If you would like to contribute to this project, please email [email protected] with a request to join the project. This is not an open source project and contribution requests will be rejected unless you are explicitly authorized to join the project.
LootGen and its creators provide no license, grantees, warranties, or endorsements for anyone to use this product. This application is solely intended for use by the creators and those they invite to use the application.
Levi Franklin - Project Manager, Backend Engineering Lead, Database Manager
Dylan De La Rosa - UI/UX Design Lead, Frontend Engineer, AI Expert, QA, Process Engineer
Sam Lea - Documentation Lead, Frontend Developer
Collin Trehar - Integrations Manager
Dr. Srujan Kotikela - Our computer science professor, mentor, and stakeholder. We could not have done this without your guidance.
Our friends, family, and significant others - Thank you for putting up with the long nights of coding, the hair pulling mental breakdowns, and the general state of panic.
The core of LootGen has been completed as required by the initial catalyst for its creations. The ability to create an account, add characters, and request evaluation is complete. However, members of the team have expressed interest in furthering this program in order to support storage of LootGen created items, more detailed charater analysis, and monster encounter recommendations.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] for any inquiries about this project. Project Manager Levi Franklin will respond to you as soon as possible.