S-commerce is a web e-commerce platform based on PHP, MongoDB, JQuery and HTML5 localstorage
This is a nigthly version and could be buggy.
Live demo: S-Commerce Live Demo
Author contact: http://silviu-s.com/contact/
The main site:
- The main site with product listing and search function (by title or description) .
- There is processed the information about account: register, login, address, orders and order details.
- Contains the products added in shopping cart, with empty cart function, checkout functions and with informations about total cost of the products added .
- Here is the connection to the database server
directory which contains the CSS and JavaScript files for a clean and logic structure
folder which contains the products images
directory contains the index.php
file which is responsable with adding products in database and manage_products.php
a sistem which implement the CRUD functions for products.
The database contains collections as you could see.
Theese collections store the information about users, orders and products as JSON-like documents called BSON
A collection it’s like a SQL table, but because it’s on NoSQL engine it process and deliver the information faster than a SQL database.
The website database’s collections stores the following information:
contains the username, password, e-mail address and phisical address of the user
contains title, description, price and name of image associated with the product in order of build the image path
contains the user_id which has placed a order and the ids of the products separated by semicolon
All of these collections contain a unique identifier called _id
in order of create the relations between them.