Figma file: [1]: Prototype
Optum Voice is an application that can provide constant medical assistance. Driven by the in-app voice chat bot Voptum the application is user-friendly and extremely easy to use. Voptum can further be connected to smart speakers like Alexa to ensure constant medical assistance. With Optum Voice you can book appointments with the doctor, schedule an ambulance for their pick up, and order medicines all with simple voice commands. You can also keep track of their Blood Pressure, water intake, Blood Sugar level, height, weight, allergies, and blood group in the MyHealth section of the application. Optum voice also has an SOS feature that will immediately send a distress call. It also sends your profile and medical history to aid treatment in case of an emergency. In addition to that, the application can also set reminders to remind you of all your necessary chores to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Last but one of the most important features of the Optum Voice is that Voptum comes with a powerful tool for performing sentiment analysis on your voice. Feeling low, angry, or joyful, Voptum automatically detects your mood and updates song recommendations, blog posts, or videos accordingly in the Wellness section. In case the user is going through constant negative emotions, Voptum can give soothing and assuring little notes to the user. You also have the choice of booking an appointment with a therapist. This aspect is extremely important in the hustle and bustle of our daily life as mental wellness is often ignored. It is rarely spoken about and even rarely treated. Optum voice makes a small attempt to make a huge change in spreading awareness of the importance of mental well-being.
All these features in the Optum Voice applications solve the problems of:
- Need of a constant healthcare assistant.
- Not having aid during the time of an emergency
- Doctors not having the medical history of a patient at the time of an emergency
- People forgetting having medicine, drink adequate water
- Easily book appointments
- Makes Calling an ambulance convenient.
We plan to use conversational AI for our AI purposes.
speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(response));
In the last step, we use the speechSynthesis controller of the Web Speech API to give our assistant a voice. The api is simple and straightforward. We need to create an instance of SpeechRecognition. You can set many properties to customize speech recognition. For this app, set Continuous and InterimResults to true to display the spoken text in real time.
I need to create a component that captures voice commands and converts them to text for further processing. This tutorial uses the Web Speech API SpeechRecognition. Since this API is only available in supported browsers, display a warning message and block the user from showing the home button in unsupported browsers.