Sudoku is a simple and interactive web-based game developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is designed for both beginners and enthusiasts to enjoy solving Sudoku puzzles directly in their web browser. The application generates random Sudoku puzzles, validates user inputs, and offers hints to help players when they're stuck. It's a fun way to practice logical thinking and sharpen problem-solving skills.
- Randomly generate new Sudoku puzzles with varying difficulty.
- Real-time input validation to ensure the rules of Sudoku are followed.
- Hints feature to assist players in solving challenging puzzles.
- Fully responsive design for a seamless experience on different devices.
- Simple and intuitive user interface for easy gameplay.
├── index.html # Main entry point of the application
├── css/ # Directory for CSS files
│ └── style.css # Main stylesheet for the game
├── js/ # Directory for JavaScript files
│ └── script.js # Game logic and interactivity
├── assets/ # Directory for images and other resources
│ └── (Add your resources here)
Getting Started
1. Clone the repository:
git clone cd Sudoku
2. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.
3. Start solving puzzles and enjoy the game!
How to Play
1. Fill the grid with numbers 1–9.
2. Ensure each number appears only once per row, column, and 3x3 sub-grid.
3. Use the hints feature if you’re stuck.
Technologies Used
• HTML5 for structuring the content.
• CSS3 for styling and layout.
• JavaScript for logic and interactivity.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
• Name: [Saga]
• GitHub: s87343472
数独是一款基于网页的简单交互式游戏,使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 开发。这个项目旨在为初学者和数独爱好者提供直接在网页浏览器中解决数独谜题的乐趣。应用程序可以生成随机数独谜题,验证用户输入,并在玩家遇到困难时提供提示。这是一个锻炼逻辑思维和提高问题解决能力的有趣方式。
- 随机生成不同难度的数独谜题。
- 实时验证用户输入,确保符合数独规则。
- 提供提示功能,帮助玩家解决困难的谜题。
- 响应式设计,适配各种设备,提供流畅的游戏体验。
- 简单直观的用户界面,便于玩家快速上手。
├── index.html # 应用的主要入口文件
├── css/ # 存放 CSS 文件的目录
│ └── style.css # 游戏的主要样式表
├── js/ # 存放 JavaScript 文件的目录
│ └── script.js # 游戏逻辑和交互功能
├── assets/ # 存放图片和其他资源的目录
│ └── (可添加资源)
1. 克隆仓库:
git clone
cd Sudoku
2. 用浏览器打开 index.html 文件。
3. 开始解决谜题,尽情享受游戏吧!
1. 在网格中填写数字 1–9。
2. 确保每行、每列和每个 3x3 子格中数字不重复。
3. 如果卡住了,可以使用提示功能。
• HTML5 用于结构化内容。
• CSS3 用于样式和布局。
• JavaScript 用于游戏逻辑和交互。
本项目使用 MIT 许可证。
• 姓名: [Saga]
• GitHub: s87343472