- 📙Create book by click on floating action button in homepage
- 📒 See list of books in homepage
- 📘See detail of each book by clicking on the book card in homepage
- 📗Update book by clicking on edit icon on the book card in homepage
- 📕Delete book by clicking on delete icon on the book card in homepage
This app is made with Flutter 3.10.5
dart: ">=3.0.5 <4.0.0"
flutter: ">=3.3.0"
Clone project
git clone
Get All Dependencies/Packages
flutter pub get
Generate *.g.dart
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
flutter run
flutter run --release
├── core # Core files used generally in the app
│ ├── constants # Const variables used in the app
│ ├── design # Design system of the app(atom, decoration, layout, style)
│ └── router # Router system of the app
│ └── session # Session manager used in the app
├── data # Data source call system of the app
├── di # Dependency Injection
├── domain # Base model and use case
├── feature # Feature of the app including the controller and ui