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Tag Validate

The ultimate way to validate your data. All you need is add some info on tags with some simple description!


`go get`


package main

import (


type Common struct {
	Id   int64  `zero:"true" max:"20" min:"7" neq:"11"` // Add tags here
	Uuid string `empty:"true" type:"uuid"` // Add tags here

func main() {
	c := new(Common)
	c.Id = 4         //Validate error. @Field:Id tag:min wanted:7, Got: 4
	c.Uuid = "ssasd" //Validate error. @Field:Uuid tag:type wanted:uuid, Got: "ssasd"
	err := tagvalidate.Check(c) // Check a instance of Common struct
	if err != nil {


Syntax: {option name}:"{option value}" [{option name2}:"{option value2}"...]

For string field you can use those:

Option Value Meaning
empty false/true Allow this field empty or not
eq any string (s) Strictly equal to s
neq any string Strictly not equal to s
starts any string Starts with s
ends any string Ends with s
contains any string Contains s
ncontains any string Note contains s
upper false/true
lower false/true
len int Must be this long
max_len int Max length
min_len int Min length
regx reg exp re check
type See type table Frequency types
func Func name Custom functions under your struct
func (string) bool

Type is a quick access to some frequency data type, most of then is validated by regx. Use type tag like this:

type LoginLog struct{
    User string `empty:"false" type:"email"`
    IP string `type:"ipv4"` 

For type, allow those values. To add extra value (if this type allowed extra value) use , after type name like: type:"date,2006-01-02":

Type name meaning examples Extra value
int 1, +123, -3, 0 -
float -
hex -
ipv4 ipv4 only -
ip ipv4 or ipv6 -
email -
url -
hexcolor color use hex -
fullpath windows or unix full path -
uuid3 -
uuid4 -
uuid5 -
uuid -
num number -
alpha alpha table -
md5 MD5 checksum (length 32) -
md5(16) MD5 checksum (length 16) -
base64 base64 encoded string -
date date format date formating string
json json dumped string
*domain domain of a web site

* Those are not done yet.

To check if data is a LAN IP:

InnerIP string `type:"ip" regx:"^(127|192|172|10[\\D])"`

NOTE: dot(".") in tag will cause tag parse error. Also you should use two \\ to escape slash.

For integers:

Option Value Meaning
zero false/true Allow zero or not
eq any int (i) Strictly equal to i
neq any int Strictly not equal to i
max int Max value
min int Min value
func Func name Custom functions under your struct
func (int64) bool


  • Float field.
  • Struct field.
  • Map field.
  • Array field.
  • Child struct check.
  • Set to default value when empty.


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