Ahoy! This is a starter for microservices developed by New Story. It will always contain the latest code / improvements to make development as easy as possible.
- This repository can be used a base for a new microservice.
- This repository can be used for testing new tools / libraries ( just make sure you don't accidentally merge ).
- The idea is that this repository will always be the latest ( most updated ) version of our microservices.
- New versions of Go can be tested here first.
To begin using this repository first rename your .env.example to .env by running the following command ( or via finder / your editor ):
cp .env.example .env
If this is the first time you're running the application make sure to set an APP key as well. You can create one here https://keygen.io/.
This services uses a Makefile
that contains all commands that can be run on this repository. If you've never worked with a Makefile
cd to the root of this project and run:
Run make watch
to start developing! Depending on which file your change a watch script will determine the action(s) that run.
- All go file changes will be gofmt'ed.
files will be ignored.golangci-lint
runs on the folder the changed file is in.go test
will be triggered if you edit a test file.go generate
will be called to generate your interfaces or do other magic.- And of course the application will rebuild!
It is recommended to run the following commands before committing:
make test
will run tests on the entire microservice and fail immediately if a tests fails.make lint
will run linting on the entire microservice and output lint errors in your console.make format
will run gofmt on all code.
When running the postgres container for the first time, the database will automatically be initialized.
Your database will be created and all users will be setup. The only thing that will be missing are your tables.
This can be solved by running the migrations.
By default after copying the .env.example
to .env
your environment variables should be good for development. If you're coming from an older version, make sure the DB_MIGRATION_USER
ENV variables are set in your .ENV file. If not: set them and restart your service.
Now run:
make db:migrate
Now you're all setup to start coding!
For deployments with Rancher, Sonarqube and Codeship there is an existing guide: https://aanzee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDVP/pages/1394737158/Nieuwe+Microservice+opzetten
changes only get loaded when you restart your Docker.
- Make sure new code is 100% tested. There are always exceptions, but this is the benchmark.
- All new code should be merged via a Pull Request on Bitbucket and shared in the #pull-requests channel.
For questions about this repo check the #go_aan_zee or the #pull-requests groups on Slack.