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Releases: sag1v/react-elastic-carousel

Bug fixes

14 Apr 21:11
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Prevent state updates when unmounted see #172

fix react versions range

29 Mar 13:57
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fix react peer version

Fix bug with empty array children

27 Mar 12:19
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Fix itemsToShow not updating

12 Mar 20:49
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Added css class to items and some fixes

08 Jan 08:49
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Added a css class to the .rec-item-wrapper per state, hidden, visible, prev and next.
Extend react version in peerDeps #140
Added missing isRTL prop to the types definition #138

Bug fixes and new features

17 Dec 22:16
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Added 2 new props outerSpacing and showEmptySlots.
Fixed a bug when dynamically adding items. (#131 )
Fixed a bug of dots disappears when resizing window. (#128)
Fixed bug of active index not correctly updated on size change via breakpoints. (#122)
Fixed elipsis dots on IOS (#124)
Improved swipe behaviour

Bug fixes

15 Nov 09:11
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  1. Fixed gatsby (SSR) infinite refresh
  2. Fixed RTL swipe

Bug fixes

06 Nov 23:36
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  1. Fixed empty slots when itemsToShow is greater than children.length (#102 ).
  2. Fixed some crashes when there is only one item (#101 )

Bug fixes (skipped 0.9.2)

31 Oct 11:58
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Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed broken verticalMode.
  2. Prevent animation while scrolling the page.
  3. Prevent animation while resizing the window.
  4. Export all types in the dts file.

Accidentally skipped v0.9.2

Bug fixes and type fix

23 Oct 12:19
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Fixed a bug with dynamic children
Fixed a type for pages (in renderPAgination). see #93
Fixed a bug of itemsToShow from a breakpoint not respected when going to full screen. A regression due to #92