Releases: sagredo-dev/simscan
Releases · sagredo-dev/simscan
- fixed several compilation warnings
- fixed autotools warnings
Changes with respect to the 1.4.1 version
- added jms "debug" patch, to improve the debugging of simscan on qmail-smtpd log;
- bug fix by Bob Greco where a received message with multiple 'local' recipients executes spamc as null user and not as the user extracted from the first local recipient.
- added Roberto Puzzanghera's attachments-size-limit patch, which allows you to overcome a limitation where simscan doesn't pass messages over 250k to spamassassin. This patch let the administrator set the attachments' size limit in bytes by setting the qmail/control/simsizelimit file. Furthermore, events where simscan is not activated are now logged at smtpd level (it was logged only when debug is active).