Hello there! I'm a front-end developer with a strong focus on React.js. I have experience in dynamic web development through my latest projects. My journey has been defined by a commitment to turning creative ideas into tangible, user-friendly applications that are at least interesting. My next goal is develop interactive web app for business.
In my tech toolkit, you'll find skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript(es6+), react.js, and other essentials. My works are characterized by a code of quality, craftsmanship, and a keen eye for design.
🔭 I’m currently working on Business invoice manage
🌱 I’m currently learning Next.js
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
This is a business invoice management web app using most popular javascript frontend library "React.js"
- React.js
- React Router DOM
- Tenstack query
- Tailwindcss
- Firebase authentication
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase Firestore
- Google recaptcha
- Formik
- Keep-react
Live Link: https://dtr-invoice.web.app
Dev-mingle is online forum web app based on React, node, express and mongodb. This is full MERN web app.
- React.js
- React share
- Tenstack query
- React Router DOM
- Tailwindcss
- Firebase authentication
- Google recaptcha
- Stripe payment
- Keep-react
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Stripe payment system
- Vercel
Live Link: https://devmingle-forum.web.app
Study - is online study management web app for student based on React, node, express and mongodb. This is full MERN web app.
- React.js
- React Router DOM
- React Date picker
- Tailwindcss
- Daisy-UI
- Firebase authentication
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Stripe payment system
- Vercel hosting
Live Link: https://study-72c82.web.app