is a semi-crowdsourced site that makes it possible for a single individual to send an information request to a company. The user can select a list of companies that have information of the person, allowing every information request to be created at once. Depending on the organization, a request can be handled using either an email message (automatically sent by or in mail (printable letter is created by
More information can be found at
Install the required dependencies using the following command (should work on Debian and derivatives such as Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libjpeg-dev python-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib python-virtualenv memcached
Navigate to the project directory. Install virtualenv.
cd getyourdata/getyourdata/
virtualenv env
Enable the now installed virtualenv. This will help keep the project-related Python configuration and installation separate from the system-wide Python installation.
source env/bin/activate
Upgrade pip and install dependencies in the requirements.txt file.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you've installed new packages, update requirements.txt to include the new dependencies.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Run a script to create/flush the development database (PostgreSQL).
sudo bash create_dev_db.bash
Run the database migrations.
python migrate
Create a superuser to use the admin interface at /admin/.
python createsuperuser
Start the development server (default port is 8000, the following example uses 8080).
python runserver 8080
Open the browser at http://localhost:8080
That's it!