A simple NW.js desktop application to track time spent on daily tasks. Written in Vanilla JS.
- Simple Time Entry widget supporting task descriptions.
- Time on active entries will be tracked even if the application is closed.
- Simple Resume / Edit / Delete buttons for time entries management.
- Time entries can be edited to change the time spent and the date.
- Local storage used to keep time entries data from previous days.
This app should work in OSX, Linux and Windows environments. However, it's only been tested in OSX.
Latest release and installation instructions at: https://github.com/salvamomo/time-keeper/releases/tag/v1.0.0
This project is released under BSD license.
Salva Molina (salvamomo) - @Salva_bg.
Kudos to Code Enigma for allowing me to get started on NW.js and this project back in 2016.