- Made with JAVASCRIPT , HTML and CSS
- Snake Game for Web.
- Website Link (Desktop Version): https://sam15jain.github.io/snake_game/
The objective of this game is to score points by making the snake consume food particles which are found at random positions, while avoiding hitting the walls and itself.
Length of snake and score increases with each food eaten.
Level keeps increasing after getting certain scores.
With each level up, speed of the snake increases and the colour scheme and images get changed.
Score and level are updated and displayed dynamically .
Game gets over when the snake hits a wall, or collides with itself.
- Sounds and images are included for entertainment, pause and play function is also provided.
- W / A / S / D keys or Arrow keys to move the snake
- Space or Enter to Start, Pause or Un-Pause the game
- Ctrl + R to restart the game