This is a quick script to convert notes from Tomboy to Evernote.
This project was dervied from @scribu's work (cited below), but this one makes a best-effort pass to convert Tomboy markup to standard HTML compatible with Evernote's ENML, whereas @scribu's would drop most formatting markup.
Whereas @scribu's required external dependencies, this one relies on standard Python modules:
- xml.dom.minidom
- re
- datetime
This one also requires you to select which Tomboy notes you want to export, and writes them all to standard output.
# Export **all** Tomboy notes in your home directory
find $HOME -type f -name '*.note' -print0 | xargs -0 trombone > EXPORT.enex
Note that on Mac OS X, Tomboy's notes are stored in:
$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Tomboy/
On Linux, it's usually
- None! (that I know of)