TrailheaDX 2019 session
Create a new Custom Script (SBQQCustomScriptc sObject) in Salesforce. Name the new Custom Script. Copy the QCP javascript code into the Code field on the Custom Script. Save the Custom Script. Copy the name of the custom script.
In Salesforce navigate to Setup -> Installed Packages -> Salesforce CPQ and click configure.
Go to the Plugins tab in Salesforce CPQ settings and add the new Custom Script name into the Quote Calculator Plugin field.
QCP-REST folder
In the force-app/main/default/classes folder there is a single Apex class
You can either create a new Apex class in Salesforce and copy in the code or use SFDX to deploy to the org.
index.js Procfile package.json controllers/ models/ public/ routes/
Simple NodeJS app that can be run on Heroku with the free postgres DB add-on.
Create a new heroku app. Add the heroku remote to your local copy. Push to heroku to deploy the app and get it running.