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Requests an access token for a Github App and stores it in a secret to use for authenticated requests to Github as the GithubApp. It will reconcile a new access token before expiry (1hr).


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The github-app-operator is a Kubernetes operator that generates an access token for a GitHub App and stores it in a secret for authenticated requests to GitHub. It reconciles a new access token before expiry (1 hour).


Key Features

  • Uses a custom resource GithubApp in your destination namespace.
  • Reads appId, installId, and either privateKeySecret, googlePrivateKeySecret or vaultPrivateKey defined in a GithubApp resource to request an access token from GitHub.
  • Stores the access token in a secret specified by accessTokenSecret.

Private Key Retrieval Options


There is a sample constraint template and constraint for Gatekeeper to restrict the type of private key source in the gatekeeper-policy folder if you dont want to use the validating webhook built-in.

1. Using a Kubernetes Secret

  • Configuration:
    • Use privateKeySecret - refers to an existing secret in the namespace holding the base64 encoded PEM of the GitHub App's private key.
    • The secret expects the field data.privateKey.

2. Using GCP Secret Manager

  • Configuration:
    • Note: You must base64 encode your private key before saving it in Secret Manager.
    • Configure with googlePrivateKeySecret - the full secret path in Secret Manager for your GitHub App secret, e.g. projects/xxxxxxxxxx/secrets/my-gh-app/versions/latest.
    • Configure Workload Identity to bind secret access permissions to the operator's Kubernetes Service Account.
    • Tested with the role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor.

3. Using Hashicorp Vault

  • Configuration:
    • Note: You must base64 encode your private key before saving it in Vault.
    • The operator uses a short-lived JWT (10 minutes TTL) via Kubernetes Token Request API, with a defined audience.
    • It uses the JWT and Vault role to authenticate with Vault and pull the secret containing the private key.
    • Configure with the vaultPrivateKey block:
      • spec.vaultPrivateKey.mountPath - Secret mount path, e.g., secret
      • spec.vaultPrivateKey.secretPath - Secret path, e.g., githubapps/{App ID}
      • spec.vaultPrivateKey.secretKey - Secret key, e.g., privateKey
    • Configure Kubernetes auth with Vault.
    • Define a role and optionally audience, service account, namespace, etc., bound to the role.
    • Configure environment variables in the controller deployment spec:
      • VAULT_ROLE - The role bound for Kubernetes auth for the operator.
      • VAULT_ROLE_AUDIENCE - The audience bound in Vault.
      • VAULT_ADDR - FQDN of your Vault server, e.g., http://vault.default:8200.
      • Additional Vault env vars can be set, e.g., VAULT_NAMESPACE for enterprise Vault (see Vault API).

Token Reconciliation

  • Cleans-up the the access token secret it owned by a GithubApp object if deleted.
  • Reconciles an access token for a GithubApp when:
    • Modifications are made to the access token secret owned by a GithubApp.
    • Modifications are made to a GithubApp object.
    • The access token secret does not exist or lacks a status.expiresAt value.
  • Periodically checks the expiry time of the access token and reconciles a new one if the threshold is met or if the access token is invalid (checked against GitHub API).
  • Stores the expiry time of the access token in the status.expiresAt field of the GithubApp object.
  • Sets errors in the status.error field of the GithubApp object during reconciliation.
  • Skips requesting a new access token if the expiry threshold is not reached/exceeded.
  • Allows overriding the check interval and expiry threshold using deployment env vars:
    • CHECK_INTERVAL - e.g., to check every 5 minutes, set the value to 5m (default: 5m).
    • EXPIRY_THRESHOLD - e.g., to reconcile a new access token if there is less than 10 minutes left from expiry, set the value to 10m (default: 15m).

Proxy Configuration

  • Specify a proxy for GitHub and Vault using the env vars:
    • GITHUB_PROXY - e.g.,
    • VAULT_PROXY_ADDR - e.g.,

Rolling Upgrade

  • Optionally enable rolling upgrade to deployments in the same namespace as the GithubApp that match any of the labels defined in spec.rolloutDeployment.labels.
    • Useful for recreating pods to pick up new secret data.

Logging and Debugging

  • By default, logs are JSON formatted, and log level is set to info and error.
  • Set DEBUG_LOG to true in the manager deployment environment variable for debug level logs.

Additional Information

  • The CRD includes extra data printed with kubectl get:
    • App ID
    • Install ID
    • Expires At
    • Error
    • Access Token Secret
  • Events are recorded for:
    • Any error on reconcile for a GithubApp.
    • Creation of an access token secret.
    • Updating an access token secret.
    • Updating a deployment for rolling upgrade.

Example GithubApp Resource

Here is an example of how to define the GithubApp resource:

kind: GithubApp
  name: example-githubapp
  appId: <your-github-app-id>
  installId: <your-github-app-installation-id>
  privateKeySecret: <your-private-key-secret-name> # If using Kubernetes secret
  googlePrivateKeySecret: <your-google-secret-path> # If using GCP Secret Manager
  vaultPrivateKey: # If using Hashicorp Vault
    mountPath: <your-vault-mount-path>
    secretPath: <your-vault-secret-path>
    secretKey: <your-vault-secret-key>
  accessTokenSecret: <your-access-token-secret-name>

Example creating a secret to hold a GitHub App private key

  • Get your GithubApp private key and encode to base64
base64 -w 0 private-key.pem
  • Create a secret to hold the private key
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-app-secret
  namespace: YOUR_NAMESPACE
type: Opaque

Example GithubApp object

  • Below example will setup a GithubApp and reconcile an access token in the team-1 namespace, the access token will be available to use in the secret github-app-access-token-123123
  • It authenticates with GitHub API using your private key secret like above example.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: GithubApp
  name: GithubApp-sample
  namespace: team-1
  appId: 123123
  installId: 12312312
  privateKeySecret: github-app-secret
  accessTokenSecret: github-app-access-token-123123

Example GithubApp object with pod restart (deployment rolling upgrade) on token renew

  • Below example will upgrade deployments in the team-1 namespace when the github token is modified, matching any of labels:
    • foo: bar
    • foo2: bar2
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: GithubApp
  name: GithubApp-sample
  namespace: team-1
  appId: 123123
  installId: 12312312
  privateKeySecret: github-app-secret
  accessTokenSecret: github-app-access-token-123123
      foo: bar
      foo2: bar2

Example GithubApp object using Vault to pull the private key during run-time

  • Below example will request a new JWT from Kubernetes and use it to fetch the private key from Vault when the github access token expires
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: GithubApp
  name: GithubApp-sample
  namespace: team-1
  appId: 123123
  installId: 12312312
  accessTokenSecret: github-app-access-token-123123
    mountPath: secret
    secretPath: githubapp/123123
    secretKey: privateKey

Example GithubApp object using GCP Secret Manager to pull the private key during run-time

  • Below example will fetch the private key from GCP Secret Manager when the github access token expires
  • It requires that the Kubernetes Service Account has permissions on the secret in SEcret Manager, i.e. via Workload Identity
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: GithubApp
  name: GithubApp-sample
  namespace: team-1
  appId: 123123
  installId: 12312312
  accessTokenSecret: github-app-access-token-123123
  googlePrivateKeySecret: "projects/123123123123/secrets/gh-app-123123/versions/latest"

Getting Started


  • go version v1.22.0+
  • docker version 17.03+.
  • kubectl version v1.22.0+.
  • Access to a Kubernetes v1.22.0+ cluster.

To deploy with Helm using public Docker image

A helm chart is generated using make helm when a new tag is pushed, i.e a release. This chart will have webhooks and cert manager enabled. If you want to install without webhooks and cert manager required use the local manual chart.

cd charts/github-app-operator
helm upgrade --install -n github-app-operator-system <release_name> . --create-namespace \
  --set webhook.enabled=false \
  --set controllerManager.manager.env.enableWebhooks="false"

You can pull the automatically built helm chart from this repos packages

  • See the packages
  • Pull with helm:
    • helm pull oci:// --version <TAG>
  • Untar the chart and edit the values.yaml as required.
  • You can use the latest public image on DockerHub - samirtahir91076/github-app-operator:latest
  • Deploy the chart with Helm.

To Deploy on the cluster (from source and with Kustomize)

Build and push your image to the location specified by IMG:

make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/github-app-operator:tag

Install the CRDs into the cluster:

make install

Deploy the Manager to the cluster with the image specified by IMG:

make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/github-app-operator:tag

Create instances of your solution You can apply the samples (examples) from the config/sample:

kubectl apply -k config/samples/


Current integration tests cover the scenarios:

  • Modifying an access token secret triggers reconcile of new access token.
  • Deleting an access token secret triggers reconcile of a new access token secret.
  • Reconcile of access token is valid.
  • Reconcile error is recorded in a GithubApp object's status.error field
  • The status.error field is cleared on succesful reconcile for a GithubApp object.
  • Deployments are upgraded for rolling upgrade matching a label if defined in spec.rolloutDeployment.labels for a GithubApp (requires USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=true).
  • Vault integration for private key secret using Kubernetes auth (requires USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=true).

Run the controller in the foreground for testing:

# PRIVATE_KEY_CACHE_PATH folder to temp store private keys in local file system
# /tmp/github-test is fine for testing
export PRIVATE_KEY_CACHE_PATH=/tmp/github-test/
# run
make run

Run integration tests against a real cluster, i.e. Minikube:

  • Export your GitHub App private key as a base64 string and then run the tests
export "VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200" # this can be local k8s Vault or some other Vault
export "VAULT_ROLE_AUDIENCE=githubapp"
export "VAULT_ROLE=githubapp"
export "ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false"
  • This uses Vault, you can spin up a simple Vault server using this script.
  • It will use Helm and configure the Vault server with a test private key as per the env var ${GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY}.
cd scripts
# Run vault port forward
kubectl port-forward vault-0 8200:8200
  • Run tests
cd ..

Run integration tests using env test (without a real cluster):

  • Export your GitHub App private key as a base64 string and then run the tests.
  • This will skip the Vault and Deployment Rollout test cases.
USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=false make test
USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=false make test-webhooks

Generate coverage html report:

go tool cover -html=cover.out -o coverage.html

To Uninstall

Delete the instances (CRs) from the cluster:

kubectl delete -k config/samples/

Delete the APIs(CRDs) from the cluster:

make uninstall

UnDeploy the controller from the cluster:

make undeploy

NOTE: Run make --help for more information on all potential make targets

More information can be found via the Kubebuilder Documentation


Requests an access token for a Github App and stores it in a secret to use for authenticated requests to Github as the GithubApp. It will reconcile a new access token before expiry (1hr).






