This is a Vue component for displaying a GitHub user's info and statistics in a Vue application. Styled using Bulma, this provides a lightweight, simple component for quickly adding GitHub user information to a website.
npm install github-vue
Placing the component into a Vue application is as simple as importing it:
import GithubVue from 'github-vue'
and adding the tag:
The Gihub Vue component currently supports several options, that can bee added as attributes to the component tag.
For Example:
<github-vue :token="token" vertical avatar hireable company email bio/>
token is the only mandatory attribute, and must be passed a GitHub personal access token for the component to retrieve the necessary user data. It is recommended that this token be used as an environment variable or stored in a configuration file within your project and that the configuration file is added to your .gitignore
to avoid accidentally publishing it. Instructions for generating a token can be found here.
vertical does exactly what it sounds like-- it enables the component vertical mode.
avatar will display the GitHub user's avatar-- omitting this value will hide it.
hireable will display the GitHub user's hireable status-- omitting this value will hide it.
company will display the GitHub user's company-- omitting this value will hide it.
email will display the GitHub user's email-- omitting this value will hide it.
bio will display the GitHub user's bio-- omitting this value will hide it.