This project is an implementation of the Chinese postman problem written in Java. This implementation only works with undirected graph.
- Download java JDK
- Download Netbeans IDE
- Clone or download project to your local machine.
- Open the project in Netbeans and run.
During run, do the following:
- The algorithm requests cost matrix of graph.
- Insert cost matrix as the format shown below (Leave line empty to stop typing).
- The algorithm requests starting vertex of the postman.
- Enter the starting vertex.
The matrix inserted during execution must have the following format where each entry is the edge cost. The entry with (-) means there is no edge bewten the pair of vertices
- 50 50 50 - - - -
50 - - 50 70 50 - -
50 - - 70 - - 70 120
50 50 70 - - 60 - -
- 70 - - - 70 - -
- 50 - 60 70 - - 60
- - 70 - - - - 70
- - 120 - - 60 70 -