Elixir Terminal UIs with Reactish API
Uses teletype for native TTY support
#from bash (no logs)
#Ctrl+c to exit
mix run exs/demo.exs
# socat file:/dev/tty,raw,icanon=0,echo=0,min=0,escape=0x03 tcp-l:8880,reuseaddr
# socat STDIO fails with: Inappropriate ioctl for device
# no resize event is received with this method
# raw required to avoid translating \r to \n
# min=0 required to answer size query immediatelly
# fork useless because term won't answer size query on reconnection
# escape=0x03 required to honor escape sequences (ctrl-c)
# while true; do socat file:/dev/tty,raw,icanon=0,echo=0,min=0 tcp-l:8880,reuseaddr; done
# while true; do socat file:/dev/tty,raw,icanon=0,echo=0,min=0,escape=0x03 tcp-l:8880,reuseaddr; done
# to exit: ctrl-z, then jobs, then kill %1
# socat file:/dev/tty,nonblock,raw,icanon=0,echo=0,min=0,escape=0x03 tcp:
# client socat to test immediate transmission of typed keys on both ends
# escape=0x03 reqired to honor ctrl-c
# echo -en "\033[1mThis is bold text.\033[0m" | nc 8880
# to test server end honors escapes
mix run exs/demo.exs --socat
mix run exs/demo.exs --ptm
- Only tested so far on VS Code integrated terminal and Linux legacy TTY.
- Very minimal escape sequences to ensure Linux TTY works.
- Control event handlers triggered only from keyboard events
- Use react state and control events instead of getters (on_change instead of get_value)
- Corollary: Controls are not focusable if on_handler is nil
- Function components external children must be ignored
- No mixing on logic and markup allowed. State and logic to the top, markup to the bottom.
- Null effects may be executed multiple times in a single user event because of state changes propagation.
- The reason for use_effect (instead of direct execution from event handlers) is its cleanup mechanism.
- Effects and cleanups are executed post render in same render process.
- Mouse wheel may focus but not trigger constrol actions.
- Select and Radio items can be any datatype implementing String.Chars.
- Exceptions in timeout/interval handlers should kill the application.
- Cleanups should be idempotent.
- Enter should navigate to next control for all controls except buttons.
- Dialog buttons order should be accept then cancel to take advange of enter navigation.
- Escape should close dialogs from any current focused control (shortcut).
- No matter the effort dirty exits are innevitable.
- konsole is not consistently responding size queries as vscode term does
- Ctrl-c cancel
- Ctrl-c cleanup
- Ctrl-c handler
- Resize handler
- XTerm support
- Konsole support
- MacOS terminal support
- Explicit screen redraw
- TextArea
- Drag and drop
- Selection
- Clipboard
- Input scrolling
- Cursor pos after SIGWINCH/size-query
- Input validation
- Mouse
- Mouse wheel
- Modals
- Checkbox
- Reversed tab
- Commands
- Subscriptions
- Term behaviour
- Zero index coordinates
- Tab index testing
- Tab navigation testing
- Arror up/down navigation
- List rendering
- Nil rendering
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Modal accept/cancel
- Conditional rendering
- Use effect execution order
- Use effect cleanups
- Timer API
- Test refocus
- Test reverse nav
- Test canvas && diffing
- Test visible propagation
- Kill app with ctrl+c