We have developed a neural network for classifying 10 different types of animals. The training dataset we used is sourced from Kaggle.com. To contribute testing, we have made a small training dataset available in our repository. Here are the translations for the animal classes(Italian - English):
- "cane": "dog"
- "cavallo": "horse"
- "elefante": "elephant"
- "farfalla": "butterfly"
- "gallina": "chicken"
- "gatto": "cat"
- "mucca": "cow"
- "pecora": "sheep"
- "scoiattolo": "squirrel"
- "ragno": "spider"
You can access the dataset we used for training at the following link: Dataset Link. There you also can find our networks.
PyTorch - ResNet50 trained on IMAGENET1K_V2. You need download resnet50_torch.pth
(Only this network src already include.)
TensorFlow - GoogleNet/IncpetionV3 trained on ImageNet. You need download Tuned_Inseption.rar
We have implemented two separate networks for this task, one using TensorFlow and the other using PyTorch. You have the flexibility to choose either of these frameworks for the implementation.