This repository contains C programming assignments and homework assignments completed by me for the CMPE 252 C Programming course during the Spring 2023 semester at TED University.
- Description: Your program is supposed to read, process, and display attendance records in a Zoom meeting report provided as a txt file.
- Description: Implement recursive powers and point proximity functions.
- Description: Work on input, printing, and element count operations in C.
- Description: Perform string intersection and manage student information.
- Description: Create and manage rectangles, implement perimeter filtering.
- Description: Work with binary file handling and manage an actor database.
- Description: Manage 3D shape data, calculate volumes, and implement volume filtering.
- Description: Reverse words in a text file and display them in uppercase.
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues, suggesting improvements, or contributing code.
Erkan Sancak, 2023.